
We Have Several Ways to Connect with Our Readers

Our Sponsored Post program provides you a way to share a guest post with our readers that links back to your website.

And our Sponsored E-Newsletter program provides you a way to connect with thousands of e-newsletter subscribers around the globe and drive them to landing page on your website.

Here are the specifics on each program.

Sponsored Post Program

Here are the guidelines for our Sponsored Post program:

  • Quality: The post should be well-written in perfect American English and should be in excess of 750 words.
  • Topic: Our readers are interested in marketing, branding, and digital technology, so the content of the post needs to fall into one of those categories.
  • Destinations: We don’t accept posts that link to gambling sites, adult sites, or essay writing services. We reserve the right to delete any previously uploaded post that links to a site with a low trust score. We allow two DoFollow links per post.

We charge $175 per sponsored post for one-time clients and $150 per post for recurring clients. We never charge less than $150 under any circumstances, so please do not request a lower rate.

Please note, you are not paying for a link, you are paying for the labor associated with uploading and deploying the post.

We can also write a post on your behalf for $450 (which includes a link to your desired website). We accept payment via PayPal. 

As mentioned, we don’t accept posts that link to gambling sites, adult sites, essay writing sites, or any other sites that have a low trust score.

Sponsored E-Newsletter Program

Who Reads Our e-Newsletter? The short answer is decision makers. 26% of our subscribers are Marketing Officers, Directors of Marketing or Marketing Managers/Supervisors and 33% are business owners or C-Level Executives.

70% live in the U.S., Canada or the U.K.

48% work for B2B/B2C firms, 39% work for B2B (only) firms, and 13% work for B2C (only) firms.

We’ve found that companies with a customer lifetime value of $500 or more get the best results with our sponsored email campaigns.

The investment for a sponsored email to our subscribers is $250 per email. 

We guarantee a minimum of 50 clicks from the sponsored e-newsletter and social media campaigns deployed in support of your program.

Interested in Learning More?

If so, just contact us via email by clicking here.