Let’s get down to brass tacks: employees who work well together, work well together. Tasks are finished quicker, more thoroughly, and production output flies through the roof.

This is a result of the staff each realizing what their role is to your business, and then maximizing their potential greatness within that role. If one employee feels left out or ostracized, then the cards fall and your business suffers.

Hence the value of team-building exercises that build morale and encourage teamwork. Without a team of workers who feel good about working with each other, you have a bunch of wet blankets whose only job is to run out the clock and collect your paycheck.

We all know people who merely want to collect paychecks are rarely interested in progressing your business past the next level. Here are more reasons why you should invest in team building programs.

1. Boost Competitive Nature

By nature, a lot of us are competitive – healthy competition is in our blood. When we build our teams, often by pitting one team against another, the instinct to win goes into overdrive.

This “overdrive” stimulus can turn into a powerful motivator to compete against your business’ rivals, or at the least obliterate the agenda and get the required work done for the day. Team-building exercises should tempt your workers to become lions and tigers to dominate the other companies in your industry.

2. Communication

Communication is the lifeblood of efficiency. A misstep in communication can lead to that week’s downfall. How many times in your life were you part of a mistake, because someone down the line made communication mistakes?

When everybody in business “speaks the same language”, projects are smooth-sailing. There isn’t as much time wasted explaining what has to be done. People feel more open and comfortable to speak their minds.

Speaking plainly makes things so much easier: such as I’m talking with you right now. By no means am I “dumbing down” anything for you – I’m merely using everyday language so you can understand what I’m saying, and move on to the next point a lot quicker.

Team-building exercises rely on knowing how to communicate properly. Without it, teams fail, thereby strengthening the “codes” your staff talks to each other in – thereby increasing productivity and work ethic efficiency. A business with employees that don’t talk to each other effectively is a doomed business.

3. Fortify Trust

Without trust, your staff is always on the look out for double-crossers. This mindset leads people to think they have to betray someone before they’re betrayed; to kill or be killed. Therefore, trust-building exercises inside your business cannot be overstated. What good is a business when the staff always distrusts each other?

Therefore, introducing trust-building activities is one of the easiest (and most effective) ways for ensuring your staff trusts each other. These include classics such as the trust fall, group discussions, staring contests, etc. The unanimous trust your staff feels for each other will extend to relationships with customers, as well. When we build our trust, we’re becoming more dependable and reliable – qualities customers and clients look for in businesses.

4. Build Teamwork

It’s a given that in any group of people, a few heads are bound to clash; it’s inevitable. Thinking otherwise is downright foolish: because not everybody’s personality meshes well with other personalities.

Whether it’s out of sheer misunderstanding, not knowing what the shoe is like on the other foot, or some inexplicable (and idiotic) reason (or no reason at all), people are going to crash heads. But, always try to develop a positive personality that is bound to influence others.

To prevent this, team-building exercises (by their very nature) builds teamwork. These exercises and programs specifically help people work together more efficiently, by the nature of the exercises. This type of bond creation increases participation in projects, tasks, and meetings. It goes without saying that a crew who works together will get more work done, thereby increasing product and mainline efficiency. Be sure to focus on exercises, games and programs that require everyone to participate.

5. Reveal Skills

Everyone has their own unique talent that is the core of them; my talent lies in writing. Therefore, my “role” to my department within the business, as a writer, is central. Team-building exercises and programs reveal hidden skills that are second-nature to people. Skills that they themselves may not consciously be aware of.

For example, some of your workers may exhibit leadership skills you weren’t aware of – or the ability to build solid consensus. Maybe your receptionist(s) are excellent chess players. These building programs are excellent ways to find out more about your workers beyond their company roles.

6. Mediate Problems

It’s human nature that conflicts between people will arise – especially when they work together in close quarters day in and day out. This is doubly so if certain people have a natural disposition for having a—to say this kindly—“negative” personality that is hard to get along with.

When we build our teams, we build rapport with each other – this rapport helps everyone feel more comfortable with each other. Thus easing the tension. This cannot be overstated: it is important to find the types of exercises that allow people to find out more about each other. If they are unwilling to perform in these exercises, then they aren’t interested in making your business more efficient – and these cretins must be fired.

When you’re doing team-building exercises, it’s important to host them away from the office. That way your staff and colleagues will feel a lot more relaxed with each other. Why not take this time to wander the local park or a restaurant? This change of locale will help them get out of “office mode” and into “understanding how each other work” mode.

Last Thoughts

Above all, these exercises build collaboration between people. These exercises should be fun, odd and put people to the “test” of their willingness to think outside the box. Why? Because you’re running a business – in order to do so, you need successful results from consumers. Consumers will feel like doing business with you when they see you are one of the top rated businesses in your industry. Why would they see that? Because of your close-knit team that brought your business to the top.