How to Run Remarketing Campaigns on Mobile

Traditional remarketing gives you a unique chance to turn bounced visitors into customers. You can automatically reconnect with people who have already visited your website by showing them a customized ad. It is also a great way to improve brand awareness and decrease the overall CPA (cost per acquisition).

Tip: There is no difference between retargeting and remarketing. The second one is just Google’s term for retargeting through AdWords and DoubleClick. That’s all.

Mobile web retargeting lets you selectively target your on-the-go audience. Mobile ads drive consumers back to your mobile-optimized site where they can engage with your brand once again. As a result your brand is a top of mind for those who are actively researching to purchase on mobile.

 Who shops on mobile 

Media consumption isn’t expanding equally across all devices. Desktop has been outpaced by tablets and smartphones. Consumers’ purchase behaviors are shifting along with the amount of time spent on mobile devices.

When it comes to shopping, people are choosing the device that is most convenient at the moment. Sometimes they start a task on one device and finish it on the other. This often means a prospect who has found a product on the smartphone in the morning, checks it out on his desktop at work and buys it from his tablet in the evening.

Check out the case study from AutoTrader.com. Their 2015 Automotive Buyer Influence Study shows that 39 percent of today’s car buyers used a smartphone to shop for cars, while 35 percent used a tablet (up from 19 percent in each category in 2013).

It is known that women drive shopping trends (since they control up to 80 percent of domestic spending) but when it comes to e-commerce, men drive nearly as much spending online in the U.S. as women – says ComScore’s State Of Retail report. It also shows that men are more likely to make purchase on mobile devices. But there is only a slight difference: 22% of men and 18% of women do shopping on mobile.

Millennials are the key age demographic for online and mobile commerce. But boomers and seniors have also adopted shopping with smartphones and tablets. 25 percent of mobile buyers are over 55 years old!

As you see, there is a huge audience to fight for. You should prepare cross-platform and cross-device strategy for reaching customers as they move between apps and devices. Now let’s focus on highly effective remarketing.

 Where to start 

First of all, you need to choose a remarketing ad network. Although there are a lot of possibilities, the one which is the most eagerly chosen is Google Display Network. Why? The answer is simple. It’s huge and has really massive reach. Just look below:


Check out ways to remarket with Google Display Network:

  • Display Network – you can show your precious ads to past guests of your mobile website, as they browse the Display Network mobile websites.
  • Mobile apps – you can show your ads to past users of your mobile app, as they use other mobile apps.
  • Search on Google – you can show your ads to past visitors of your mobile website, as they do follow-up searches on Google.
  • YouTube – you can show your amazing ads to people who have interacted with your videos or YouTube channel, as they use YouTube or the Display Network videos, websites and apps.
  • Dynamic remarketing – you can show your ads presenting products and services viewed by your website visitors as they browse Display Network websites and use Display Network apps.

 How to create a good ad 

First of all, check out acceptable types and dimensions of ads. Here they are:

  1. Non-animated image ads
    1. 320 x 50 – mobile leaderboard
    2. 320 x 100 – large mobile banner
  2. Animated image ads
    1. 320 x 100 – large mobile banner (type: .GIF)
    2. Animation length must be 30 seconds or shorter
    3. Animation can be looped, but it must stop after 30 seconds
    4. Animated GIF ads must be slower than 5 FPS (frames per second)

 Tip: It’s best to save the banner ads in .gif or .png because the file sizes need to be small, especially if you are making a lot of banners at once. File size: 150 KB or smaller.

Click here to check out all regulations.

Remember, emotions drive people to your content and they will drive them to click on your ads as well. What are the most triggering emotions? Buzzsumo analyzed the top 10,000 most shared articles across the web. Take a look at their investigation results:

Your ads have to resonate with users on an emotional level most of all. Avoid plain, boring, low-key, informational ads. It won’t bring any positive results.

Setting up a standard remarketing campaign

This should be your first step in remarketing journey. You need to divide your visitors into groups so you could send them customized messages. Analyze your data and develop a strategy. Select those users who visited your blog or other specific pages on your mobile website (e.g. pricing, offer, FAQ). This will enable you to reach out to people with tailored, attractive advertisement.

  1. Select your audience.
  2. Sign in to your Adwords account at https://adwords.google.com.
  3. Click Campaigns (at the top of the screen).
  4. Click +Campaigns drop-down menu and select “Display Network only.”
  5. Select the “Remarking” radio button.
  6. Name your campaign, set the bid and budget.
  7. Then click the “Set Up” remarketing button to set up remarking tag and create lists.


  • Google Adwords will create a tag for you. You’ll be able to send it directly to yourself or your webmaster along with the proper instruction of implementation.
  • It will also automatically create a list of “All visitors” so you could start immediately. It will include all users who have visited tagged pages on your website.
  • Then you need to create new lists for different groups of prospects.
  1. Click the magic button Save and continue.
  2. Enter the ad group name and bid for this ad group.
  3. Look at Remarketing lists tab. You should find there “All visitors” list added to ad group.
  4. Once again click Save and continue to create your awesome ads. If you want to do it later, you can skip this step.

Remember to choose in Settings only this operating systems adequate to mobile devices. If you do so, your ads are not going to be displayed on desktops.

Best remarketing list strategies

  • Reach all your mobile website visitors
  • Showcase different product categories
  • Appeal to visitors who didn’t convert
  • Re-engage visitor with abandoned shopping carts
  • Up-sell or cross-sell to existing customers
  • Reach customers within a certain time period after they completed a purchase

You can check all the details here.

It’s good to know that…

If you want to increase the number of places where your advertisements may appear – add both image and text ads format.

Sending people to high-value offers brings the best results. Promote things like: free trial of your product, a request for a demo, free shipping or special offers.
You should create ads that inspire consumers. Try to add some text also to your image ads (e.g. short product description or great call-to-action). It reinforces the message and gives people a sign that they can engage with your ad.

Many mobile apps, including social platforms like Facebook and Twitter, provide in-app advertising opportunities with high engagement rates. But this is a subject for a whole different story.

Summing up, today’s consumers in U.S. regularly shift between desktop, mobile, and tablet devices throughout the day. They spend more time on mobile than they do on desktop and complete over $50 billion in purchases directly through mobile and tablet devices. Nowadays, trying to reach targeted audiences with the right message at the right time is an enormous challenge for marketers.

The biggest mistake is to try to achieve great results from mobile remarketing and forget to make your website mobile-friendly. Yeah, that still happens so make sure your site is optimized.

Przemyslaw Mankowski as a CEO of QuarticON concentrates on company’s further expansion on the market, lead International business strategy and develops business partnerships in CEE and worldwide.


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