Are You Taking Enough Risks in Your Career and Your Business?

I’m just back from my speaking tour in Europe that took me from Barcelona to Paris to Nuremberg to Berlin to Gdansk to Warsaw. While I was in Europe, I shot a series of 60 second videos designed to highlight key tips and techniques I’ve used to help grow my own business.

During one of the videos, I used the controversial architecture of the Pompidou Center to highlight the fact that the biggest and boldest ideas are usually also a little bit risky.

Check it out.

So … the question remains: Are you being bold enough in your career and your business? What kind of calculated risks have you taken lately? And were you happy with the results?

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  • Thanks for this. I've thought many times I'm too cautious. I'm already out of my comfort zone. So, the question to myself is what am I afraid of?

    • Hi Brian --

      Thanks for stopping by, my friend. I've found that most of us are afraid of failure as much as we're afraid of success. I know that was the case for me for years and years. I don't know if that's the same for you, but hopefully it might shed some light on things.

      Also, my sister once pointed out that when we gravitate towards what is comfortable, our universe shrinks, but when we gravitate towards things that are uncomfortable, our universe expands. I thought that was pretty smart for my little sis. :-)

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