Categories: SEO

Answers to 16 Essential SEO Questions

SEO can make the difference between having a high volume of traffic to a site and having hardly any visitors at all.

An element of SEO that is often overlooked is Meta Tags. A Meta Tag is a small line of text that is in the HTML that will briefly explain what is in the content of a web page. It will tell the potential visitor what the page is about so that they can quickly make the decision about if the web page is right for them or not. Meta Tags are important and can be a very effective form of SEO, with 43.2% of people clicking on a specific result based on the meta description alone.

Meta Tags have been around for a long time, and are one of the oldest forms of SEO. The search engine will read them and have a quick, summarized idea of what the site is about and what the keywords are. It is in the meta tag that a business should put all of the keywords that they want for their site, they should be the most important part of the description, even if it limits the space for other words to be included.

Over the years these tags have slowly begun to decrease in importance as other forms of SEO have taken their place, but it would be wise for businesses not to forget about this important part of SEO, as every little bit of help. Although Google rankings are now much more to do with high-quality linking and content, a meta tag will help a search engine categorize a site and therefore will often affect the search snippet listing seen on a search engine, a factor that people place a lot of importance on.

What follows is an infographic that expands on SEO brought to us by our friends at SEOJury.

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