Free Marketing Tools for Small Businesses

Every small business needs marketing tools in order to achieve the goals they’ve set out. However, some of the marketing tools available can be costly, and new small businesses just won’t have the money available. Even if the money was spent on these expensive marketing tools, there’s no guarantee you’ll see a decent ROI. So, what do you do? Luckily, there are many people who have been in the same position and have found excellent tools that offer the same marketing value for free. Here are some you can make use of.

Answer The Public

Answer The Public is a fantastic tool that allows all small businesses to gather more specific information on their target audience. You’ll be able to come up with a range of questions that link to all of your keywords. This is a great way of finding solutions to the problems that your audience has. You can prepare content that answers your audience’s questions and display it on your website. That way, you’re not only giving your visitors the information that they need but you’re also showing Google and other search engines that your content is natural and well planned and you can convert visitors into sales without manipulation.

Screaming Frog

Although this tool does have a paid version, most small businesses will be able to get away with using the free version. The tool allows you to crawl websites and find any broken links, along with analysing page titles and meta data. You’ll also be able to audit redirects and discover any duplicate content. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in or what your products and services involve. This is a tool that anyone can make use of.


Worried about your content? If you have a lot of competitors because you’re in a popular industry, you may be worried about repeating the same things your competitors are writing in their content. Siteliner is the perfect way to make sure your content is unique and attention grabbing. All you need to do is type in your URL and it will show you any duplicated content, common content and unique content. There may be some parts of your content that will need to stay similar to everyone else’s but at least you’ll have a free way of monitoring how fresh your content is.

Title Generators

We all know that you need constant fresh content on your website to ensure high rankings with search engines, and to keep your audience interested in what you’re doing. But, it can be difficult to come up with new ideas for content on a regular basis. If you’re suffering from writer’s block, try using a title generator instead. All you need to do is type in the subject you want to write about and you’ll have a variety of different titles in front of you to choose from. Even if the generator doesn’t come up with something you want to write, it should give you some creative inspiration.

Google’s Keyword Planner

This is a great free tool for businesses wanting to find out more about the keywords they’re currently using. You can type in a keyword and find out how many people searched it in the last month. Using keywords is vital to the success of your website, so if you aren’t sure how to use them, you may benefit from an online SEO course. Having access to analytics and metrics concerning your keywords can help you stay ahead of your competitors and know what your audience is expecting of you.


Facebook Audience Insights

Social media has become a vital tool for all businesses. There is no better platform for reaching your audience and now, there are even ways to get to know your audience better. Facebook audience insights allows you to view specific demographic information. So, you can learn what ages your audience tend to be, what gender they are, where they live and certain information about their household. You can use the information you find out to tailor your website and social media content to them.


People have busy lives, so it’s not surprising that a large percentage of social media users will pay more attention to images and infographics than long written posts. Pablo allows you to choose free images and overlay them with text. So, if you want to connect with your audience in more visual way, it’s ideal if you’re on a low budget. It helps you to look professional and grabs your audience’s attention at the same time.

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