Types of Cyber Attacks and Simple Ways to Avoid Them

Hackers and phishers have become increasingly creative with their attacks that they target almost any kind of website that comes their way. It does not matter if a business is a big company with a whole team dedicated to fighting off hackers or a small business using only installed applications to alert them about attacks.

The infographic released by CBTS is a helpful guide to learn about the different types of cyber attacks and how you can keep your digital assets safe.

According to CBTS, 2016 saw 1.1 billion identities stolen. Most of these breaches happen because of very weak passwords, aimlessly opening websites even if it looks sketchy, and opening malicious emails and links.

Their infographic details two types of data breaches:

Internal incidents

This is data loss that happens because of an inside source whether it is intentional or accidental.

  • Insider theft – when an employee or a business partner steals or exposes company information
  • Accidental incident – when an employee or business partner mishandles company information

External attacks

This is data loss or attack, with malicious intent, from someone with technological expertise.

  • Spear phishing – when malware is spread because of an infected email attachment
  • Ransomware – when hackers lock the company out their computers and cloud systems and hold sensitive files for ransom

How small businesses can keep their website safe

Small businesses are at risk of getting countless attacks from hackers, and they have the most to lose. CBTS states that, on average, a small business will have spent $36,000 to $50,000 in recovery cost after a data breach. For most, that is the same amount they spent just to start the business. So how can you protect your assets?

Limit access to confidential files

Ideally, only you and one other person should be able to access sensitive files. Never share access to someone you are not familiar with. If you can, set up a two-factor authentication soyour files have double password protection.

Purchase an SSL certificate

An SSLcertificate will encrypt the files being sent to and from your website. This will help you protect pertinent customer information like their credit card details and addresses. What it does is insert random characters in the date being exchanged so that it remains unreadable to attackers. Only the right encryption key can decipher it, which means only you and your customer can read it.

Put up barriers

Other than a two-factor authentication, you can set up other protective barriers like a third password field or a question only you and your trusted employee knows.

Update your security systems

Once you purchase and install an online security system, always update it whenever a new version comes out.

Consult with a specialist if you feel like your security system is lacking and make sure you are able to protect your company information and that of your client’s.

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