Why Your Online Startup Needs To Be Reading Customer Reviews

Word of mouth marketing has always been the best way to market a business, whether it’s dentistry or fast food. But while “word of mouth” in the past was something like a telephone chain of neighbors telling neighbors about where they got their new lawn mower, the modern version of word of mouth marketing has taken on a whole new meaning.

In today’s world, “word of mouth” extends to the entire network a person can find on the internet, meaning someone halfway across the world may be the one recommending a good or service. This could come in the form of a blog post, testimonial, or an online customer review. Though this type of word of mouth marketing may seem less effective since the two people don’t actually know each other in real life, there’s hard evidence to show the opposite is true.

According to studies, 88 percent of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. And because they can get more recommendations on more products, the influential effect is exponential.

Source: BrightLocal

If you’re a marketer who hasn’t been paying attention to customer reviews, now is the time to change your ways. Here are five reasons customer reviews can completely change your marketing strategy for the better.

Learn which products your customers like

Rather than sending out tedious surveys or analyzing data reports, customer reviews give you a tangible, explicit view of what your customers do and do not like. Simply by doing a Google search or checking out Amazon, you can find out very detailed, candid responses to your products. Because the voice of the customer should be one of the main elements guiding your marketing strategy, the value of this type of information cannot be overstated.

Learn how to improve your business

Aside from learning what products your customers prefer, dislike, go crazy for, etc., you can also learn other key ways to improve your business. Because customer reviews are not a multiple choice survey or solicited response for your company, people are much more varied in their responses about the customer experience. Reviews can point to many areas you can improve, like quality and pace of shipping, your customer service experience, cost of products, and more. Implementing this information in an effective way can lead to greater customer retention.

Learn products liked by your target audience

Thanks to websites like Amazon, you can look up your product and see what other products your target audience is interested in. You can also look for keywords in customer reviews to learn what else your customers have mentioned. Do they talk about debating between you and a competitor? Do they mention another product they’ll be using alongside the product they purchased? Look for patterns. This could help expand your product offerings or allow for partnerships with other businesses in the future, Like Whole Foods and Amazon working together for a new delivery service.

Learn how to get an edge over the competitor

People love to debate over which is the better brand, so customer reviews are a great place to see how you weigh in against the competition. You can learn a lot by reading your own customer reviews, but you can learn even more by reading customer reviews of a competitor. Look for the strengths of the competing product and then use that information as a guide to improve your business. You can also get an edge over the competition by being sure to thoughtfully respond to all online reviews about your product. This will increase customer engagement and feeling of connection to your brand.

Learn how to reach new audiences

Customer reviews can open your business to a whole new world of customers. With the incredibly influential power of search engine optimization, your company could start popping up on the radar of people you never imagined being able to reach. Because reviews have such a powerful effect on your internet ranking, you’ll want to do everything you can to encourage customer reviews. Some ideas for doing so include requesting reviews via email, using an advocate marketing program, advertising review sites on your website, and publishing reviews on your social media. Harness the power of reviews even further by working with influencers in exchange for an online review.

There is much to learn about tapping into the benefits of online reviews, but start with these five elements to get you going. By taking the time to read, respond to, and analyze reviews, you’ll find valuable insights to take your company to the next level.

About the Author: Brooke Cade is a freelance writer who’s committed to helping businesses and sales professionals build stronger connections with their customers. She writes for multiple publications including InMoment. In her spare time, she enjoys learning more about CX, reading, and engaging on Twitter.

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