Guide on How to Get Your Guest Post Published

One of the strongest ways to get sites to link back to you is guest posting. Although it offers rewarding results, the challenge you have is getting sites that are willing to give you guest blogging opportunities. With the internet growing, it has become more challenging to attract the right audience, and this means you have to apply different methods that will help you rank your site higher on search engine results pages. Guest blogging is one of those strategies that you can use to create a backlink profile and get traffic.

If you are looking to use this method, you can follow the following steps to get approved for guest posting.

Come up with a prospective list

In this stage you create a prospective list of sites you would like to get links from. You can use the Guest Post Tracker’s list of guest posting sites to compile the list if you don’t already have a collection of links. Google is also a good place to search for top blogs in your industry that could offer you guest blogging opportunities.

Create high-quality content

If you are an expert with good writing skills, you can create high-quality content that will set you apart from the many other bloggers who might also be eyeing the same opportunity. The content must be relevant and provide solutions to problems people are facing. If you are looking to talk about a product, check platforms like Amazon to know the content that appears at the top and products that are preferred most. Also go through Quora for questions in the topic you are looking to write about and provide a comprehensive review with useful information.

Submit pitches

The third step after composing the post is pitching, which is basically sending a message to all the prospective sites you have listed asking for an opportunity to link to them. While sending your pitch, introduce yourself and state your background and accomplishments, then move on to mention the article and its contents before giving out a link to the post in Google Drive.

Follow pitching instructions

Some sites provide a guideline of how you should go about sending your pitch, so when pitching to such sites you must review their requirements and replicate their advise. Editors will have easy time reviewing your application if you will have followed their instructions. No one has the time to keep emailing you back to ask for changes, especially if there are others applying for this opportunity. Although many of the applications might never return any positive results, you should keep going and ensure you pitch to more sites. That’s the reason you are advised to prepare a long list of prospective sites as most of them will not give you a chance to publish on their platform.

Getting guest posting opportunities is a task that takes effort and persistence. You need to come up with a list of your preferred sites and then contact them with a sample of the content you would like published. This is a process that calls for persistence as you might be required to send several times before your application is approved. Follow the guidelines above to get started and possibly win some guest posting opportunities.

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