How Rebooted Body Started Converting 300%+ More Leads Into Clients Overnight

Getting leads is great, but if you can’t convert them into clients, everyone loses.

Your prospect loses because they don’t get the benefits from working with you and you lose because you don’t get to make a big impact in that person’s life. And your business suffers.

From a growth standpoint, you want to do everything possible to work on your conversion rate. You’re paying to generate leads no matter what. The more that slip through the cracks, the more expensive the process becomes. The higher your conversion rate, the lower your acquisition cost.

So let’s talk about what I did to increase the conversion rate for a health and fitness brand by over 300% almost overnight and why it works so well.

Step 1: I created a quiz/evaluation to generate leads.

Quizzes and evaluations are great ways to capture leads for a few reasons:

1. People like taking quizzes, so the conversion stats are among the highest of any lead magnet strategy I’ve tested.

2. Quizzes and evaluations are interactive, so people engage with them. When you give away an e-book or some other lead magnet, a high percentage aren’t going to open it or do anything with it.

3. You can structure the quiz/evaluation to show people where their pain points are. It also gives you an opportunity to educate them on how you can alleviate those pain points. Quizzes/evaluations are a fantastic pre-sale tool.

For my health and fitness client I created a “Body & Life You Love” quiz with an app called Typeform. It’s 25 questions long, with half the questions hitting on the most common pain point our audience has. The remaining questions focus on the 2nd most common pain point.

When someone completes the quiz, they must enter their email address to view their score and the results explanation. They entered their name in the beginning, so we have that on their record, too.

This data is routed into email marketing, which triggers a “results email.” The lead is tagged appropriately for future segmentation and they’re also placed on an educational email sequence to nurture them.

Now, you might think that 25 questions for a quiz like this is too long. The completion rate on the quiz was between 60-70%. I could have increased that significantly by making the quiz shorter, but I wanted to make sure the quiz was only being completed by serious people who were willing to do a little work. That’s another qualification tip.

Step 2: Insight, Education, and Invitations

The most important part of this is the results email. Remember, this email is designed to do two things:

1. Educate the individual on their results and provide more context and clarity around the challenges they face.

2. Invite them to schedule a strategy call with a sales rep (and it’s important that they can do this without speaking to someone, such as scheduling an appointment through a service like Acuity).

3. Typeform has shortcodes that allow you to insert data from the quiz into the results email. So I designed an email that gives the lead their score and then goes point by point back through the questions.

I show them what their answer was, confirm the correct answer, and then spend a few sentences providing additional context, insight, and education.

Yes, I do this for every single question of the 25. It’s a long email (but remember, the person has the option of just scheduling a call to review their results with someone).

You might think that these long emails will never get read. I know for a fact they get read. When people are interested in something, and the content is good, they’ll read it. This is especially true if it pertains to them checking whether they were right or wrong about something.

There’s also a prominent call-to-action at the beginning (and end) of the email. One of the main goals is to get people to schedule a free strategy call with a rep. The close rate on these strategy calls is very high so booking as many as possible is a high priority.

Step 3: Convert!

Let’s take a look at what we’ve done leading up to this point:

1. We’ve effectively collected and segmented new leads.

2. We’ve sent them a results email that provides them with education and more context. This email shows them that we understand the challenge they face and how to solve it. Also, remember that the evaluation itself helps them confirm that the challenge affects them (which they know on some level, but we need to bring it to the surface).

3. We’ve given the lead an opportunity to connect with a rep personally.

4. We’ve put the lead on an ongoing education/sales email sequence for the program/product that fits them best.

Around 5-10% of leads do the free strategy call with a rep. If you put 100 people through the quiz, you’re going to get about 5-10 calls out of the deal. Keep in mind, though, that the calls aren’t the only way the lead can become a buyer (see 3b below).

What’s great about this entire process is that by the time you talk to the lead, they’re pre-sold and just want to talk to someone for a bit before they buy. It’s very effective.

Another tip: When the lead schedules a call with a rep, make sure you include the following yes/no question on their appointment form: “Are you able and willing to invest money to reach your goals (or “solve your challenge” or whatever makes sense for what you’re selling)?” Prioritize the people who say “yes” and have a very specific plan for the people who say “no.”

Step 3b: Convert Via Email

Let’s say that someone doesn’t schedule a call, though. And they don’t buy right after the quiz. What next?

Every single person who takes the quiz is still on the email list. They’re still going through a nurture/sales sequence. Best of all, they’re going through that automated funnel with a pre-sold mindset.

It’s no surprise that we also saw an increase in sales conversions from the automated email funnels after implementing the quiz.


This strategy is far more effective than the traditional strategy of exchanging a free gift for an email address and then trying to put the person through an education/sales sequence.

The combination of all the factors I discussed in this article come together beautifully to create a funnel that converts multiple times greater than the standard “free gift” funnels.


About the Author: Kevin Geary is a lifestyle entrepreneur and the founder of Six-Figure Grind. He teaches people how to start and grow a six-figure online lifestyle business for financial freedom, location freedom, and time freedom.

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