AI Is On The Rise, Here’s What to Look Out For In 2018

Artificial intelligence is the next frontier in technology. Although there might be some naysayers and skeptics who feel that true artificial intelligence isn’t possible, there is plenty of money that is being put into AI development by countries and companies who are vying for control over the illusive technology.

According to a recent report by McKinsey, Alphabet invested an estimated $30 billion in AI development. Baidu, the Chinese answer to Alphabet, invested approximately $20 billion last year. Even the Chinese government has been investing aggressively to gain control over the technology of the future. 2018 is a year that might see plenty of AI development. Here is what one could expect.

Political talking point

AI has the potential to create a multitude of jobs; however, there are already indications that it will be that cause of major job losses as well. Goldman Sachs expects self-driving to put over 25,000 truck drivers out of a job.

Similarly, factory workers’ jobs are also in danger. When large warehouses can operate with just a few dozen people, many of the packers and pickers will lose their jobs as well. During the 2016 elections, president Trump focused on immigration and globalization as the primary causes for job loss, during the midterm elections of 2018, however, the focus might shift to artificial intelligence (AI) as a major cause for job losses.

Increased logistics efficiency

A time is coming where a 20 000 square-foot warehouse will be manned almost entirely by AI robots. Companies will become more efficient, and big-box retailers will have the option of using companies like Amazon Robotics to provide them with unheard of logistical solutions.

Future warehouses will be designed not to cater for human traffic, but rather for accommodating, highly efficient robots that don’t need to rest or have lunch breaks.

In 2012, Kiva Systems was bought by Amazon for $775 million. They produced intelligent robots that can find and transport any item in Amazon’s warehouse. The technology is already in use and is expected to make an even bigger impact in future.

Mainstream auto manufacturers will launch self-driving cars

Tesla took the lead on self-driving cars and to keep up, traditional auto manufacturers like Audi also started with developing their cars with self-driving technology.

Audi is set to release their first cars with self-driving capabilities later in 2018. Cadillac and Volvo are also set to release their first models later this year.

DARPA will develop advanced robot-warriors

DARPA is no stranger to innovation, seeing that the defense research agency was instrumental in establishing the internet and GPS navigation. DARPA’s primary responsibility is to develop new technologies for the American military.

At present, they are working alongside Boston dynamics to design a series or robots that will be used for disaster relief. It has to be noted that these robots could also be used for combat situations.

Machine learning will aid knowledge workers

Although blue-collar workers fear the worst in terms of AI taking over their jobs, knowledge workers are eagerly expecting AI development to speed up. For them, AI is assistive and positive development.

Currently, tools like Gong Chorus and Jog are used to record sales calls that are made by customer service representatives. The technology is then used to coach workers, who face customers, to speak more efficiently. Machine learning algorithms use data to make predictions and enable the customer service representative to make better responses.

AI generated content

Popular brands like USA Today, CBS and Hearst, are already making use of AI to create content. Wibbitz is a prime example that offers a software-as-a-service (Saas) platform where publishers can turn written content into video through AI video production. You provide the text, and the software creates the video. What used to take publishers hours or days in creating content for websites is now done in minutes.

The Associated Press is also using software similar to Wibbitz, called Wordsmith. They apply natural language generation to create news stories that are based on earnings data. Readers can expect to see more publishing companies make use of natural language and video-generation technologies in 2018.

Transparency through peer-to-peer networks

Companies like Facebook are already using machine learning to make calculated decisions on what to show the user. For the AI to work correctly, the massive amount of data is needed with immense computing power.

Peer-to-peer networks, like the cryptocurrency ones, will be used in future to bring transparency to the world of search engines. The collective of connected computers makes it possible for small businesses to run complicated AI.

Talking with technology will become more common

Voice commands are becoming more and more popular. Amazon sold over 20 million Amazon smart speakers last year. Together with devices like Google home and Apple Airpod, more and more people are getting accustomed to speaking to technological devices.

In 2018, one can expect to see a further increase in customers’ comfortability when interacting with voice-based interfaces.

Data scientists will be more sought after than engineers

IBM predicts that by 2020, data scientists will increase to 2.7 million. The main reason is that of machine learning.

Machine learning works on the premise of making decisions and predictions, based on large amounts of data. The bigger the data pool, the more accurate the decisions it needs to make. This is where data scientists, capable of managing large amounts of data will come into play.

AI will fight disease

Peer-to-peer networks can solve some of the world’s most significant health challenges. However, if the computers were powered by chips, smaller than the head of a pin, what would the computing power amount to?

Blockchain and AI have been behind the inspiration to identify and analyze illnesses and to enable new drugs, treatments, and cures. The most significant advantage of this technology is the time that will be saved.



About the Author: Smridhi Malhotra is a professional tech, health and travel blogger.  She takes pride in calling herself as a FinTech and loves to gather and share her profound knowledge about latest developments in technology. Smridhi is a management graduate and visual graphics artist and is currently pursuing masters in behavioral psychology. Her hobbies are practicing mindfulness, counseling children and traveling (a special love for Africa).

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