Safeguarding Your Company From the Inside Out in 2018

Whether you work from home or in a large office, computer and internet security should always be a primary concern. It’s important to safeguard your data to protect your company and that requires more than just paying attention to incoming emails. Security starts with you and implementing safety practices that benefit the company as a whole.

Here are several things you can and should do to take the necessary steps.

In-Depth Security Training

Security awareness training is a critical element that every size company should implement. Training employees on how to recognize the popular phishing scams and malware can save a lot of headaches. Most training in the workplace tends to be inadequate as it only covers some of the issues that arise. Make awareness training a regular part of on-the-job training and host seminars a few times a year as new threats emerge. Make sure your IT department is up to date on how to handle these incoming threats as well. The more knowledgeable the team, the better chances you have at securing data.

Limit Access to the Internet

Some employers choose to limit access to the internet for two reasons. One, it cuts down on the amount of unproductive time, and two, it limits the number of threats that your network faces. Many times a virus is introduced by someone clicking on an insecure link that’s disguised as a valid one. These can come through email as well, so make sure your employees know not to click on a link unless the email comes from a valid source. Additionally, not being able to browse the internet means employees can’t visit suspicious sites and unintentionally download malware.

Install Network Safeguards

Network safeguards such as automatic data backup can prevent loss of data in the event of a power outage. Larger companies may want to invest in offsite storage space in case of an emergency, but also for peace of mind since the amount of data is likely extensive and requires specialized equipment. While some options may prove to be costly, losing your data can be even more so.

Be Transparent

You should pay close attention to outgoing exchanges and data as well. For example, when you implement sales funnels as a marketing technique, which all companies should do, it’s important to be transparent. Sending emails to random people is a surefire way for your efforts to backfire and potentially be logged as a scammer, which can damage your business reputation. Instead, opt for a sign-up list for your current and past clients and give them the choice to opt-in to your newsletters or other marketing materials.

Taking the necessary precautions for security can help secure your business operations for years to come. Not all solutions will work for everyone, so it’s important to do your research and potentially work out options through trial and error. The more data you have to protect, the more in-depth your security options should be. If you’re not sure where to start, speaking with a specialist can help educate you on your choices.

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