Categories: Facebook

Are You Suffering from Facebook Fatigue? If So, You’re Not Alone.

Are you getting exhausted and depressed when you scroll through Facebook and read about the highlights of your friend’s lives?

If so, you’re not alone. In fact, 42% of respondents in a recent survey have decided to take a break from Facebook. Check out the chart below.

A recent article in The Wall Street Journal highlighted the challenges people are having with Facebook. Here’s an excerpt from their article:

Fifteen years after Mark Zuckerberg launched a Harvard-based social network that grew into a corporate behemoth, Americans are increasingly reassessing the role of social media in their lives.

About 42% of Facebook users surveyed by Pew Research Center in May and June said they have taken a break from the social network for several weeks or more. A quarter of survey respondents said they deleted the app altogether.

A more recent survey from Pew, in September, showed that among teens—the industry’s future—59% of all respondents reported being bullied online.

Silicon Valley insiders such as the Center for Humane Technology, run by former Google and Facebook employees, speak out increasingly on such issues as tech addiction and privacy. Representatives of the center have met with policy makers in Washington, D.C., and tech leaders on the West Coast, urging them to think about ethical design choices.

Those shifts have huge business implications for the tech firms, which grew at meteoric rates for the past decade and are scrambling to adjust to a new reality. Facebook, Twitter and Snap Inc. each reported earnings last month showing either slowing or stalled user growth.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Facebook, Twitter and Snap each reported earnings last month showing either slowing or stalled user growth.” quote=”Facebook, Twitter and Snap each reported earnings last month showing either slowing or stalled user growth.” theme=”style2″]

In response, they are trying measures to recapture the magic that drew many users to social media in the first place.

Facebook, which for years focused obsessively on getting users to spend as much time as possible on the platform, now emphasizes boosting “time well spent” on the site.

It is hiring thousands of content moderators at great expense to reduce the spread of toxic content, and adjusting its algorithms to prioritize “meaningful social interactions” between friends and family, rather than provocative content that can be polarizing.

The article goes on to say this:

According to a survey by Moment conducted over six months through Sept. 24 that asked about 9,000 Facebook users about their use of the service, those who said they were “happy” on Facebook spent an average of 20 minutes daily on the social network, compared with 43 minutes average daily use for those who said they were “unhappy” with their experience on Facebook.

By contrast, the survey found that people reported getting more enjoyment from using apps that weren’t social media.

My question for you.

Are you happy when you scroll through Facebook? Do you find it uplifting? I’m finding it less and less uplifting for the reasons stated above. When I read a Facebook post, my FOMO kicks in and I think everyone else is having more fun than I am. This makes me share only the highlights of my life, which I find embarrassingly ego-centric. Ugh.

My good friend Tim David, who is a keynote speaker, has developed a smartphone compulsion test for you to see how you rank in terms of your smartphone usage. If you’re concerned about your use (or mis-use) of technology, take the test and see how you compare to others.

Tim has also written an excellent blog post titled 4 Strange Ways to Reclaim Your Day (and Happiness) from Technology. Check it out — some of the ideas are quite innovative. (My favorite? Get a laughingly ugly phone case that will reduce your temptation to put your phone up to your ear. It’s a wacky idea, but just might do the trick.)

What are some of the techniques you’re using to reduce your Facebook fatigue? Let us know below so that we can share it with our community.

About the Author: Jamie Turner is an internationally recognized author, speaker, and CEO who speaks about business, digital media, and leadership at events, conferences, and corporations around the globe. He has been profiled in one of the world’s best selling marketing textbooks, is the author of several business books, and can be seen regularly on network TV news. He can be reached at +1-678-313-3472 or via email at Jamie.Turner@60SecondMarketer.com.

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