The Seemingly Counterintuitive Opt-In Process That Can Help You Start Earning Money From New Leads Nearly Immediately

I call it “The Frankenstein Process…”

…for 2 reasons:

  1. It sounds fun.
  2. Like Frankenstein, we’ve combined two things (the Ask Method and a tripwire funnel from Expert Secrets) to create it.

How We Increased Average Monthly Sales by $543.20

Before implementing The Frankenstein Process, our opt-in strategy was a standard lead magnet, which was earning us a whopping total of $0.

Sound familiar?

But, once we started using this process, we’ve been able to generate (on average) $543.20 per month in new sales for one of our biggest clients.

“So – who are you?”

I’m Robert, a Content Strategist at Leverage Creative Group. We manage personal brands who have established audiences and meaningful messages for the world.

One of our clients is a New York Times bestselling author. He’s sold tens of millions of books and has a fairly large audience. (Email list of about 60,000.)

The goal of his online brand is to teach aspiring authors to write their own books.

We’re constantly looking for ways to grow his audience and provide them with educational content that helps push them toward their writing goals.

And one of the more lucrative ways we’ve found to do that is with The Frankenstein Process.

The Thought Process Behind The Frankenstein Process

Essentially, The Frankenstein Process is a tripwire funnel with a twist.

Instead of a standard lead magnet opt-in, the funnel starts with a quiz inspired by Ryan Levesque’s Ask Method.

This gives us a few significant benefits over the lead magnet opt-in we were using previously.

It asks questions that give us valuable insights about our audience.

What stage in the writing journey are they at?

What is their biggest problem right now?

What type of writing are they most interested in?

These insights not only help us better understand who we’re talking to and how to tailor our marketing message, but they also give us insights about the types of products that we could develop to help these people.

Beyond that, the quiz is a no small task. It’s 7 questions long — all multiple choice, though.

I’ll admit, at face value, that doesn’t seem significant. But when you consider the fact that we’ve literally created an 8-step opt-in process, you might begin to think we’re a little “off.”

It seems counterintuitive to think that, by adding more steps to an opt-in process, we would actually get more leads. But each step is essentially a micro-commitment, which has been shown to increase opt-in rates.

So, while it might seem odd at first glance, adding more steps to the opt-in process actually makes sense.

Moving on.

These aren’t just any old leads, they’re qualified leads.

If they’re willing to go through an extensive (by comparison) process to gain information to improve their writing, they’re more likely to be interested in buying our products or at least engaging with the brand.

Quiz results are based on the answer to a single question in the quiz. Visitors will end up at 1 of 4 pages (all with a different result) offering our tripwire product as the next step in their writing journey.

For those unfamiliar, a tripwire product is a product at a low price point, intended to validate whether or not someone is willing to purchase a product from you. (You see this a lot with products that are “free + shipping.”)

Here’s the main idea behind offering a tripwire product:

If someone is willing to spend $5 before becoming intimately familiar with the brand, then he or she is more likely to buy high-dollar products after becoming more engaged.

In short, we’re not only able to segment users based on their quiz results, we’re able to immediately generate revenue from brand-new users with the tripwire offer.

Sounds crazy, right?

“Yeah, let’s make people do a long quiz to opt-in, then let’s try to sell them something. That’ll totally work.”

But the crazy thing is:

It does.

How The Frankenstein Process Works

At a high level, if you decide to implement this strategy, here’s how it should flow:

  1. Someone takes your quiz.

You’re tracking responses to one specific question, which you use to determine which results page to send them to.

  1. They provide their email address to get their quiz results.

This opts them into your newsletter. Make sure you explicitly state that, by providing their email address, they consent to receive marketing material from you, yada yada yada. (I’m not a lawyer, and this is clearly not legal advice, so just make sure you’re clear with people about what an opt-in means.)

  1. They’re sent to a results page that suggests your tripwire product as the “next step” to help them achieve whatever they’re after.

Important note: Your tripwire product should actually be a logical next step in the customer’s journey.

More on that below.

  1. They purchase the tripwire product – or they don’t.

Regardless, you end up with:

  • A qualified lead
  • Valuable information about that person
  • Potential revenue (if they purchase the tripwire product)

Two Things You Need to Know Before using The Frankenstein Process

  1. This will not work if your quiz is not engaging.

Your quiz has to either:

a) Come from an authority on the subject, or

b) Be highly engaging to users.

Otherwise, they won’t take it. And, if people don’t take your quiz, you might be better off with a standard lead magnet.

  1. Your tripwire offer has to be legitimate.

If your tripwire product is not a legitimate solution to the user’s problem, or if they can see that you’re not actually trying to help—that you’re just trying to make a quick buck—you won’t be as successful as you’re hoping.

While The Frankenstein Process is powerful, it needs some legitimate goodwill behind it.

What do you think?

Could your company benefit from something like The Frankenstein Process?

Or do you think I’m crazy?

Either way, I’d love to hear what you think in the comments below!

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