Categories: Video

5 Unique Ideas to Promote Your Business Using Video in 2019

It’s officially 2019 and your New Year’s Resolution is to get your business booming — this is the year it will happen! But how exactly are you planning on doing that? There are many marketing strategies and tools at your disposal that can help you in this endeavor. One of the most influential tools in 2019 is video.

Video marketing has expanded since the early days of television advertising. No longer is marketing focused solely on directly promoting a brand. Many companies have chosen more indirect methods of advertising their business, and they have switched from strictly TV to other platforms that allow them to target their audience better.

So, for 2019, decide who your client is and determine the best platform to reach them through. Do not attempt to produce your company’s video on your own unless you have experience in video production. The final product will likely appear unrefined and unprofessional, and this is the impression your viewers — your potential clients — will have of your company. Instead, employ the services of a professional video marketing agency to help you reach your audience. Their expertise and video production capabilities will give your message, whatever it may be, the sleekness it needs to draw customers to your business.

Here, we present five of the most unique ideas to promote your business that can make your company successful.

Who Are You?

Small businesses struggle with presenting themselves to the public and the users of their services. There may be bigger fish in the sea — larger companies that have been around for a while and are a known name in the industry. Competition against one of these can be extremely tough. Your business could also face a local brand that is beloved by the community. You must then figure out how to win over the hearts of their clientele. Your company may be new to a market and the residents may not have even noticed you.

Use video to tell them who you are. Present it in a manner that instills the culture of your company. For a professional appearance, ensure the clothing of anyone participating in the video fits the tone and that the message is conveyed in an informative yet interesting way. If you want clients to see your business as a fun, upbeat company offering an exciting service, then feel free to add some humor to it. Target your audience while introducing yourself.

Let Others Do the Talking

As the owner or manager of the business, you may feel like it is your responsibility to do all of the talking. However, clients don’t want to see just the head honcho of the company. They want to see the people who perform the work; they want to see the gears of the operation.

By showcasing your employees in a video, they can not only share their knowledge of the industry and explain how the company can help clients with their needs, but they can also present an image of the company that instills trustworthiness, competency, and diversity.

Your Clients Can Bring in More Clients

With their permission, request of some of your clients to be in the video. Interview them and allow them to give their testimonials on your services. Reviews are a big deciding factor for consumers and most companies — the successful ones, anyway — will make client satisfaction a priority to their operations. Viewers are more likely to be swayed by genuine testimonials of previous transactions.

Share Your Videos

Social media is a powerful platform to market a business, yet only a quarter of all small businesses actively use them to advertise their services. This is a huge mistake since there are over 2.6 billion people on the various social sites.

You need to first begin networking with these 2.6 billion people if your company is not currently doing so. As you do, be sure to insert your video marketing on your business profiles. Do not underestimate the reach of the people as they begin to share your videos with others. More views = more clients = more revenue.

Show Your Processes in Action

This may not work for companies engaged in some industries, but for most, giving viewers a behind-the-scenes tour of your operations can help create a feeling of comfort for clients. People are interested in seeing all of those gears in action, performing the key aspects of the business. Demonstrating the processes involved will show the quality controls you have in place and the reason you are better than your competition.

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