Categories: SEO

The Role of Content in a Successful SEO Kick

Most marketers understand the significance of SEO to hit high search engine rankings, but what they often miss is the role of content in making your SEO work. You may use some technical witchcraft, the know-how of marketing spells, and secret optimization antics to win the heart of Google. But all these strategies will fail if you will not add content in this magic of optimization.

The right SEO practice and the best content can do wonders for your search engine ranking and, in turn, for your business. According to Victor Smushkevich, CEO of Smart Street Media, the leading Dallas SEO firm, “SEO and content marketing are not the same; they are two sides of one coin – different, yet together.”

Marketers have different definitions of content, but all marketers agree that good content is one which comprehensively covers the topic and provides value to the reader. Simple!

Here are given some tips to better understand the relationship between Content and SEO.

SEO Needs Keywords – Content Already Has Them

Google has a team which is only dedicated to bringing advancement in the system of ranking websites. But keyword value is still high in the game. The usage of keywords in the title of your website and the right density can determine the ranking fate of your website. This is the power of a keyword – and who builds this power? Yes – content!

Obviously, you can’t dangle keywords here and there on the website. But, content writing helps you to incorporate these keywords, which, in return, aid in SEO of your website.

Backlinks’ Network – Content Bags it

A backlink is a link given by another website to a web page. Previously, backlinks were the major determinants in the ranking of a webpage. Though now updates in the Google algorithm has changed the metric system, backlinks are still a major metric to optimize the website.

But why would people do a courtesy to provide you a backlink? Only if your website will be enticing enough for others to link. And how will this happen? Through compelling content. Here you can learn how to turn your blog into a money making business.

More captivating content means more backlinks, and more backlinks mean higher ranking. It’s as simple as that!

Social Value Matters – Content Wins it

Though social media and websites seem to be two different worlds, they get integrated when it is about determining the buzz and value of the website. Google likes buzzing sites which are more shared on social media as it marks the value and validation of these sites.

Here again, content comes for the aid! If your content is of high-quality, delivers what people are looking for, and contains value, people will automatically share it. And it will mark the authentication of your website or blog in Google’s eyes. Your gift will be a good ranking.


Gone are the days of SEO isolation. Now it has a companion, content marketing, and both are bonding hard enough for you not to separate them when developing your website optimization strategy. In the current landscape, you can’t think of making your SEO work without good content.

If your SEO strategy was previously devoid of content marketing, then now is the time to incorporate content in your optimization plan. You might be late in the show, but better late than never!

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