Categories: SEO

5 Ways to Naturally to Boost Organic Traffic

You want to bring traffic to your website, and you know there are a lot of ways to do that. So, which techniques should you use to boost your website’s performance naturally?

Well, you should focus on what you can do on-site to create the best experience for your users. Let’s take a look at 5 ways you can create the best experience for your customers that boost your organic SEO ranking naturally. 


SEO is probably the most important part of obtaining qualified organic traffic. By simply choosing the right words for your landing pages and content, you can start to drive traffic. By crafting your content around specific topics, your keywords can happen naturally within the article, but if you attack that same article with a few keywords that directly relate, you can craft more useful and search-friendly content. 

Many companies try to jump into SEO without knowing how much SEO costs in the hopes to just see boosts in organic traffic. Since they are walking in blind, many companies get blindsided by high costs and old tactics, so make sure you do a bit of research before you start working with an SEO company.

You want to understand how they are using SEO to boost your organic traffic. If they are trying to cheat the system using black hat tactics, you might want to search for another company. Your SEO company should focus on Alt-text, on-site SEO, and crafting content around topic clusters. If your SEO team isn’t trying these methods first, you need to find another company to work with.


Page load times are a big deal when it comes to generating organic traffic through natural rankings. Even some of the most beautiful websites fail these load speed tests due to their size. Most of the time, the size of the website comes down to the images included on the site. Their sizes are simply too big, and that load comes down to your visitor’s bandwidth.

Many people don’t have fast internet, so make those images smaller. If your page is larger than 1MB, it’s too big. Use software like photoshop to resize your photos and compress the images to make them smaller. Don’t forget to put alt-text on those new images as well because we can’t lose that SEO value.

Finally, make sure your images are the right size. If you are using images that are larger than they are ever displayed, they are wasting space. If your social icons are 150×150, but your size limits the social icon size to 64×64, you should replace those images with 64×64. If your theme or page builder needs to resize that image, it’s going to make the page load slower. 

Code Delivery

How is your site sending its code? Are your CSS and JS files minified? Have you deferred your JavaScript? How many DOM elements are in use on the page? If you don’t know how your site is delivering its code, it’s probably not doing it the best way that it can.

Try to run website audits to figure out which codes need to be modified. These audits will give you insight into how your code is playing with the servers. If you don’t already use a caching plugin on your site, you should be. You want to be able to clear the cache of the pages, so your changes don’t slow your site down. Those unused files can still affect your page speed.


Colors are a big part of a business. A lot of companies use colors to invoke emotions that customers can relate to the brand. Choosing colors online is just as important. You want to make sure that your colors do their job to invoke emotions, but you also need to make sure the contrast levels of your colors are sufficient. If your colors are hard to read or don’t have enough contrast with each other, they can hurt your organic ranking potential. The level of contrast is needed for individuals with vision handicaps, and those levels of contrast make sure they are still able to read what’s on the page.

Easy Navigation

Another major grading factor for accessibility is navigation. Keep your navigation simple and effective. As long as your pages are accessible and your links go where they say they do, you are in good shape. You also want to make sure that it’s simple to navigate on all platforms. Applying a responsive design that provides a similar and simple navigation experience across all platforms. 

Best Practices With Boost Your Website Value

If you want your website to be an asset to your business, you want to keep it simple. If you don’t know what are doing, make sure you work with an agency that does. They should be able to give you explanations for all of your questions. If they can’t provide examples of work that pass the requirements above, you might want to find a better agency. 

If your site follows these rules, you’ll have a great asset to build on. Just remember that these rules are per page rules, so you need to continue these practices as you expand. If all of your pages perform to Google’s Page Speed Insights standard, you’re going to pull traffic with your killer content. 

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