Categories: SEO

3 Simple Best Practices for SEO

In the beginning days of content marketing and SEO, building a website and keeping it up to date with decent content and some links were a sure-fire way to establish a ranking in search engine results pages (SERP).

However, as we have progressed into the digital age, so have the regulations of Google. There are still some essential ways to implement SEO best practices for your business in 2019 and beyond. 

Tweak Your Existing SEO

While there still may be room to improve, it is important for your business to continue to analyze keywords that your website is already ranking for and focus on boosting those. Continue to look for opportunities on your website to implement SEO best practices. Update links, optimize your headers and website copy to include relevant keywords and touch up your meta titles and tags. There are many ways to boost your current keyword rankings by implementing proper on-site and off-site SEO tactics. However, if you are not sure where to begin or you just don’t have the time to spend on your website SEO, it may be beneficial to work with an SEO agency like Ignite Digital

Use White Hat SEO Techniques

“White Hate SEO” refers to SEO tactics that fall within guidelines of major search engines such as Google. These tactics, although they may take longer, will improve your search rankings while maintaining the integrity of your website, and ultimately, your reputation. Not actively following white hat SEO techniques may lead to penalties on your website from Google and other search engines. This will cause a massive decrease in site ranking which may be difficult to recover from in the short term. Click here to learn more information on clean SEO for your business website.

Continue to Learn Your Industry

While there are a few fundamental principles that still stand today, the rules and guidelines are everchanging when it comes to SEO. One of the most important pieces of advice for any industry is to continue to learn and expand your knowledge. Spend time researching what your competition is doing, read articles that detail the most recent SEO guidelines and practices, or join an online course. There are even online high school courses and classes you can take like those at Bright Minds. Education is one of the most valuable skillsets you can have. Especially if you have your own business, it is important to always stay ahead of the curve by learning as much as you can and expanding your knowledge in your industry. 

There are more tools and tips than ever before when it comes to SEO and it can be overwhelming at times. Optimizing your website SEO can take time and practice, but it is a must in today’s digital landscape. We hope the above techniques give you a firm foundation to start from when it comes to your SEO. 

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