6 Steps to Protect Your Mobile Tech

In today’s digital era, mobile technology has become our window to the world. Most of us use at least one mobile device in our day-to-day lives to work, socialize, shop, or entertain ourselves. They house a treasure trove of information through their access to the internet, but they also hold a wealth of information about their users. As such, they are an incredibly useful tool, but potentially dangerous for their users if they are lost, damaged, or stolen.

Luckily, new hardware, new security features, and new habits can all be employed to keep us, our devices, and our data safe.

Protect the Hardware

The first step to keep your devices safe are to keep them structurally sound. Contemporary tech has evolved to look sleek and aesthetically pleasing. Their cutting edge designs beg to be shown off, but their beauty often comes with fragility. Protect your phone with measures like Samsung cases from Casely, or invest in tempered glass screen protectors for your tablet so drops, bumps, and scratches don’t put your devices out of commission.

Back It Up

In the case your device is broken, your data which was stored on the device may become inaccessible. Backups are a simple safeguard against losing your important information. Some services can back up your device on a cloud server while others can save backups on another device’s memory or separate storage device, like a flash drive or external hard drive. If a device is accidentally or intentionally damaged beyond use, a backup file can be used to restore the information and configuration of the old device onto a new replacement.

Lock It Up

More than half of registered cell phone users report that they use some sort of lock screen password protection. The number no doubt jumps even higher if we factor in all of the other types of unlocked mobile devices being used every day.

Use a password lock on your devices to deter potential thieves and protect your data in the case you do lose a device. Passwords have evolved from traditional word and letter combinations to patterns, fingerprints, and even facial recognition. With the ease of using modern password technology, there’s no excuse to leave your devices unlocked and vulnerable.

Be Wary of Wifi

Free wifi for tech users is like dangling candy in front of a baby. Irresistible… and dangerous. If you connect your devices to unsecured wifi networks accessible by anyone, you open them up to cyber attacks by hackers.

Any information you provide on the web while using unprotected internet services is visible for anyone with a little tech know-how to see. This includes account usernames and passwords, financial information, and proprietary data. Stick to trusted internet networks with passwords or small user groups to avoid any risk of identity and information theft.

Sign Off and Out

It may be tedious, but signing off of your apps after each use and logging out of websites and email accounts is an extra step you can take to protect your device. In the case that someone who shouldn’t have access to your phone does get a hold of it, sensitive, private, or personal information will be less at risk if they cannot access your apps. If you do use unsecured wireless networks, regularly signing out of your accounts on a browser or app will minimize the window of time attackers have to steal any of your information.

Stay Secure

Taking these precautions with your mobile devices can save you from future woes surrounding your tech security and safety. With both hardware and smart tech habits, you can invest in protection for your device to give yourself and your data peace of mind.

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