3 Simple Ways To Make Your Startup An Appealing Place To Work

Trying to attract candidates to your new startup can seem like a mammoth task. How can you attract the brightest minds to come and work for an unknown entity like you over your already well-established industry rivals?

While not easy, there are plenty of strategies that you can employ. Nowadays, job satisfaction and fulfillment are ranking much higher than salary and kudos in a job seeker’s list of priorities. Make sure that you work on being honest and transparent in your job adverts, and show off the dynamism of your startup.

Your venture is young and in its amoebic stages. This can be an attractive proposition to many newbie fresh-faced college leavers and veterans of your sector alike. Being a less well-known venture can also add an air of mystery to your job advert. Consider the types of individual that you want working for you and try to harness the power of a cohesive team to drive your new business forward. Take a look at these three simple ways to make your business an appealing place to work.

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Get Candidates In

While a little unorthodox, invite candidates to your office or place of work prior to them making an application. People entering your office space should be greeted by a forward-thinking and modern environment filled with a wealth of smiling faces. They should sense a buzz of productivity and see people conversing and bouncing ideas off one another.

By encouraging potential applicants to come and see your company and how it works, you are showing that you have nothing to hide. This also gives you a sneaky opportunity to gauge the sorts of people applying for roles within your startup.

Show off the environment that you have created. Your company is not a sea of yawning faces and people sitting on their hands. Everyone should be engaged with their tasks and show off a keenness to do their best and make a real impact. You are inviting candidates in to seduce them with their new potential working lifestyle. Paint the walls white, put up some stunning black and white photography of the local area and add splashes of greenery tot the workplace.

Being a comfortable environment that is dynamic can help a candidate get a real feel of what it would be like to work with you. Swap the desktop booths for collaborative meeting pods and keep your office open plan, light and airy. Have a decent WiFi server and make sure that the office furniture is ergonomically well designed and comfortable. This makes for an appealing place to work.


As a new venture, you want to show off to any potential candidate just how much you value your staff team. Explain about the sorts of employee benefit providers that you utilize for your staff. These general perks may appear a little like a gimmick but they can be worthwhile in making a positive and money-saving impact on your employees’ lives. They might want to take advantage of cheaper cinema tickets and the discounted gym membership. By showing that you invest in your employees as a whole, rather than just their working life, you are demonstrating that you care about their personal as well as their professional well being.

Image source Pixabay – CC0 Licence


When candidates come to you for an interview, this is generally the final stage of the recruitment process before you make a job offer. Don’t be arrogant and assume that because you make the offer that they will immediately accept. Job seekers that attend the interview will be sussing you out as much as you are sussing them out. Be open and honest when they ask questions at the end of the interview. If they inquire about career development, regale them with the investment you make into their professional development. If they want to know about responsibility, state that they can have as much responsibility as they feel brave enough to take on. Demonstrate your commitment to staff investment. State how you will pay for qualifications, training and secondment opportunities. Remember, a company is only ever as good as the staff that it employs.

In the competitive world of small businesses, you need to hold your own when trying to attract the best candidates. Remember, don’t pretend to be a blue-chip and offer up big salaries when you can’t afford them. This will lead to business ruin. Instead, follow this guide and you can mold the perfect cohesive team that will be productive, forward-thinking and innovative to help your business thrive.

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