Email Marketing Tips and Techniques

Would you like to get better results from your email marketing campaigns? If so, check out the video below (or read the transcript underneath the video).

We cover a lot of ground, including how to keep your marketing emails from dropping into people’s junk folders.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive in.

Did you know that 81% of small- to mid-sized businesses rely on email marketing as their primary customer acquisition channel?

Here’s another one — 73% of customers prefer to use email when communicating with the brands they love.

How about this? You can increase the open rate 50% by doing just one thing.

Want to know what that is?

Personalizing the subject line. Yup, it’s true. Just by adding the name of the recipient into the subject line, you can increase your open rate.

If you’re interested in generating better results with your email marketing, stay tuned, because in this episode of IN:60, I’m going to share all the latest tips and techniques with you.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive in.

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To learn more, check out Agorapulse.com

Okay, let’s dive into more tips on how to get better email marketing results.

First things first – you’ll get better results from your email marketing campaigns if the recipient of your email thinks “This email was written specifically for me.”

When the content you’re writing is focused on a pain point your customer is confronting, you’ll find that the emails get better open rates, better click through rates, and more conversions.

The pain point might be as simple as “I need a new pair of shoes” or “I need an accountant to handle my taxes.”

No matter what the pain point is, the more you write your emails to be focused on solving that pain point, the more successful you’re going to be in the long run.

Okay, second tip for you. Don’t focus too much attention on what the broad industry standards are for open rates and click through rates. I know, I know, that sounds crazy. But when you look at the open rates and the click through rates across broad industry categories, you end up with generalized statistics that don’t really mean anything.

The key metrics I want you to focus on are your own open rates and click through rates over time. Are they increasing? Are they decreasing? What subject lines tend to get the highest click through rates? What words and phrases in the email tend to get the most engagement from your audience?

Those are the kinds of things you should be focused on.

Which brings me to another point.

Your click through rate is way more important than your open rate.


Because the open rate is a false signal. Most people have email software that opens up your email for them, even if the recipient didn’t read it and clicked delete. It’s true – if someone simply clicks delete on your email, most of the time that will still be counted as an open.

So, if you’re going to focus on a key metric, focus on your click through rate because it’ll give you a better understanding of whether or not your prospects are actually engaging with your message.

Here’s another tip for you. The #1 email marketing question I get when I speak around the globe is this – how can you prevent emails from dropping into SPAM folders?

There are several quick and easy tips you can use to reduce the odds of this happening for you.

First, get their permission. Make sure they have to take some sort of action in order to sign up for your emails – either filling out a form or clicking a specific opt-in button on your website.

Second, set expectations. Be super clear about what they can expect from you now that they’re a member of your community.

Third, make it easy to unsubscribe. You should have a very easy, one-click unsubscribe at the bottom of every email you send out. By making it easy to unsubscribe, you reduce the odds that people are going to unsubscribe by hitting “Junk” which is one way your email can get blacklisted.

Okay, I have one final tip for you and its one that I use on my e-newsletter – which you can sign up for at 60SecondMarketer.com. And that’s this: The more authentic the copy is in your email, the more likely people are to stay engaged with your brand.

When people sense that it’s a large bureaucratic organization that’s sending out an email, they tune it out.

But when they sense that your corporate or personal brand has a personality, they lean in and get more engaged.

So keep that in mind – the more personality, the more authenticity, and the more genuineness – is that even a word? – the more people are going to engage with your emails.

My name is Jamie Turner. I hope that was helpful for you. If you like what you saw here today, be sure to hit the subscribe button to stay up-to-date. And stay tuned for a quick message on how you can win a free digital copy of my latest book, Digital Marketing Growth Hacks. 

About the Author: Jamie Turner is an internationally recognized speaker, author, and CEO who is a recipient of the Socialnomics “Top Keynote Speaker” award (along with Tony Robbins, Ariana Huffington, and Richard Branson). He is the founder of 60SecondMarketer.com and has a new YouTube series called IN:60 which is available on YouTube. If you’d like to find find out more about having Jamie speak at your next event, click through to JamieTurner.Live

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