Categories: Blogs

What Blog Topics Should You Start Writing About?

How do you approach blogging? Is it a means to an end, to increase your sales in business, and reach a wider platform of customers? Is it a little passion project that you love dedicating your time to, simply because you love and believe in it that much? Or is it a way for you to network across a niche, creating connections, and you end up guest blogging your way around the world? Whatever your feelings behind your blogging lifestyle, it’s a great way to build a career in writing and marketing and social media, and it can generate you thousands in income. 

And yet, blogging can be a real struggle at the same time. The internet can often feel oversaturated with blogs, even in the deepest of niches, and you can be hard pressed to find a place of your own. Ultimately you can start to believe there’s not much out there for you, no matter how hard you work, and you start to turn away from blogging. It becomes stale, and you think to yourself, ‘What’s the point?’

But listen up. Your blog doesn’t have to feel stale. It doesn’t have to feel like you’ve run out of ideas, and it certainly doesn’t have to feel like your blogging life is up and over with! You can write about all sorts of things, even if you feel they don’t relate to your specific niche – there’s always an angle you can work with, and that’s something to hold onto. There’s some good money to be made no matter where you go on the internet! 

And so, with all of this in mind, let’s delve into some of the best blogging topics you should start writing about. Breathe a new lease of life into your online platform, and watch the traffic roll in as you reap the rewards of your effort. 

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The Common Questions Your Readers Might Have

First of all, turn to the readers you already have – what do they want to know, either about you or the niche you’re writing in? Because if you can answer their most common of questions, they’re going to be far more likely to spread your content around on their own social media pages. And seeing as they’re going to be friends with like-minded people, and be part of groups that have a similar goal in mind, this could only work out in your favor! 

Take a look through your comments section on your blog, as well as the emails you get on a daily basis from the people who consume your content. What do you notice? What are they often asking of you? What do they seem to desperately want to know about you and your life, or some of the products you advertise/use in your posts, or about the things you get up to when you’re out and about? Because this is some prime blogging material you could start crafting out! 

Start with your mailing list – the people on there are going to be the first to know about a new blog post, so make sure you answer their questions first. Then turn to the inquiring emails you get, and make special cases out of them; if you hint towards the popularity of the question you’re answering, you help to open yourself up to more questions. After all, people will now know you’re the type of blogger who listens to their audience! 

Your Educational Choices

Would you have thought of education as something worth writing about? Maybe not, depending on your niche, but it really is a topic that bridges the gap between the most common things we tend to write about online. Tech blogs, parenting blogs, gaming blogs, fashion blogs, finance blogs and all the rest can have an educational tone to them. 

After all, education is something we all like to turn our minds towards, especially if you’re a career person. We get sent to school quite young, and we don’t finish until we’re nearing our young adulthoods. And even when you have only a casual interest in academia, and you might have only finished your high school education, you would like to keep up with what’s going on in the educational sector, just to see if anything’s improved! 

It’s something we hear about a lot on the mainstream media, particularly the evening news, and thus it only makes sense it’s a part of the collective cultural conscience that we all share! 

So, write about the educational options that have the most relevance to your average reader. What they might find useful, what they could turn their minds towards, etc. And don’t forget about the personal angle either. Write about your own educational choices – what was right about them, what went wrong, and offer advice for anyone who may be in the same boat. 

You could even highlight the best online learning platforms you’ve seen across the web, to drive some real direct links from your blog; for example, an online RN to BSN programs could fit very well on your blog, especially if you’re operating in a career or healthcare niche. 

Any Tips You Have on Boosting a Blog

Let’s get a little bit meta about this next idea. You’re currently in pursuit of trying to boost your own blog, so why not write about that journey? It’s going to be interesting, at the very least! Even if you’d like to hide the fact that you’re missing out on a few viewers here and there, putting your struggle out in the open for all to see could bring more and more people to your door – and why’s that? Because it’s relatable! This topic could be a double-edged sword, but it’s one that works in your favor! 

All in all, boosting a blog takes a lot of time and effort, so why not let the resulting content write itself? Any search term relating to this matter is going to rank quite highly on google, so you could really target your SEO campaign here. And the more and more you write about a struggle, and maybe even make a monthly series out of it, the better you’re going to rank as a result. SEO takes time to set up properly and takes time to reap the results for you, so the assurity of the niche you’re blogging about, as well as the long term nature of the content, might just be your best bet. 

So, go ahead and make your blogging efforts a bit more personal, as you’re not the only one looking to pull in more readers and emails on your mailing list! You want to be relatable and relevant, and acting as an advice hole is one of the best ways to do just that. 

And Don’t Forget About Your Creative Moments in Life

Being creative is something we’re all capable of doing, and it’s something you should definitely think about writing about on your blog. Creativity is a bit of a buzzword at the moment, and you’d definitely be jumping on the bandwagon in the best way here! People love to read about how creative they could be, and love to see that trait in other people, and to sort of celebrate it in a way. Why not do so using the written word on a blog of your own? 

You could write about mistakes with your creativity, such as the time you took a job you hated, and how it seemed to kill the motivation you used to have and hold for your career. This is something we all need to hear from time to time – how it’s quite a common thing for someone to be completely drained by the job they’re doing, and how it’s OK to make a change for the better. 

Some of us are quite scared to drop what feels like a lifeline, in this case, our careers, for something that makes us happier and healthier. And because you’re writing about your sense of creativity, and how important it is to life, you could do some real good here, and inspire others to make a similar change. 

Even though the internet can be quite a negative place, people like to embrace a positive sense of creativity online. And when you make it a personal matter, you help to open up a very interesting dialogue that people love to become a part of. 

So, What Should You Start to Blog About?

Of course, this is a question only you can answer. The more time you spend online, the more inspired you can become about your own content, and only you have access to your analytics! Do a bit of research, and see what kind of topics would be popular enough to boost what might be an increase in your traffic. But make sure you’re prioritizing topics like these first of all! 

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