How to Attract More Customers to Your Business with SEO in 2021

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Do you want to make your phone ring continuously with orders from customers?

Then you cannot ignore Google and other search engines!

Your customer’s interaction with your business may happen at any stage of the sales funnel. Thanks to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), your brand will be in a position where customers can find you.

So, are you ready to learn how to use SEO to get customers online and grow your business? 

Why Does Your Online Business Need SEO?

SEO is not an option for an online store; it is a critical strategy.

People are more likely to visit sites that rank high in search results, while those that appear on the third, fourth, or any other search page result get significantly less traffic. If you are running an online business, use SEO to develop a strong web presence.

What are the benefits of SEO for your business? It can: 

Create brand awareness

When people see you on the first page of Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) and email marketing, they are aware you exist. The next time they require a related product or service, they will remember you!

Your potential customers trust brands that rank high on Google and other search engines rather than more successful companies that have little to no online presence. This is critical information for any online store, and proper SEO helps you reach your goals faster—allowing you to bypass the competition!

Make your website faster and more convenient

Search engines are continuously assessing the user-friendliness of websites, and they reward good sites by providing them with high ranks.

Therefore, optimizing the content on your site for search engines means improving your users’ experiences. The more convenient your business site is to use, the better the chance is that customers will visit it and make a purchase.

Beat your competition

SEO makes it possible for you to beat the bigger players within your industry.

Investing in the best SEO practices earns you the best-ranking positions. This makes your small or medium online business the number-one choice for your target clientele.

Find more customers

An SEO-optimized website brings in more customers. It is a proven, affordable, and efficient marketing strategy that brings in customers already interested in your offerings.

By putting in just a few hours, a little energy, and a small amount of money into optimizing your site, you can bring in targeted traffic to your online store. Eventually, this can bring more customers than any other marketing tactics you already deploy!

Content Marketing: Get Some Content Out There

The modern marketing world is abuzz with two words: “SEO” and “content marketing”.

These two are the bread and butter of the marketing strategies online businesses use.

How do you get customers using content marketing?

Content marketing is generating content to attract new customers and identify leads, turning them into sales. Your content can be a retaining strategy for your existing customers, too.

True success with content involves producing materials—including blog posts, videos, downloadable handbooks, and others—that add value for your customers. Notwithstanding the niche you are in, your content should always:

  • Be educational
  • Be entertaining
  • Provide explanatory instruction
  • Be interesting
  • And be humorous.

Importance of content marketing for SEO

Provide fresh, original content that drives your SEO campaigns. However, you must also understand how search engines such as Google operate and how to get the most of this technology.

Once you have a handle on this, turn your attention to improving your sales processes to move customers along the sales funnel. Every piece of content you put on your site should abide by the following if you want to become a reputable leader in your industry:

  • Expertise—Offer unique contributions and thoughts in a specific niche, and provide content that is well-written and laid out.
  • Authoritativeness—Include authoritative information and sources so your business and yourself will gain recognition as the experts in a field.
  • Trustworthiness—People will turn to your brand for advice and expertise, and others will want to mention you in their content as an authoritative backlink.

SEO and content marketing work together

Successful SEO campaigns are driven by high-quality content.

While certain parts of SEO and content marketing work independently, there is plenty of overlap. You need to be proficient in SEO to get your content noticed!

Content is the asset that helps you appear and rank on Google. So, you need high-quality content on your business site, social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, and other places online to succeed in SEO and earn more organic traffic.

Ranking Locally: Google My Business

Google My Business (GMB) lets you create a business listing on Google. With GMB, you can provide the critical information that your customers require to visit your website, contact you, or make purchases.

Handling over 90 percent of all search queries worldwide in 2020, Google is a dominant player in the search engine market share. A GMB account makes it easy to promote your online store while also providing critical information to your ideal target audience.

Where is GMB?

Any time you search for a business on Google, a small profile appears on the right side.

The profile offers online users information about your business, including operating hours, posts, and customer reviews. Most of the information is already on your site, but GMB indexes this content so it appears consistently across Google Maps, Google Search, and Google+.

How much does it cost?

A Google Business Listing is free.

Having an account lets you connect with new and existing customers across all Google platforms. Furthermore, using GMB correctly will help increase revenue as it can offer valuable insights into your client base.

Do I need a GMB listing?

A GMB account is an opportunity to generate more organic traffic and business, and it can even allow you to differentiate yourself in search results.

Fortunately, a Google Business Listing lets you manage how your company appears on the search results. For example, you can ensure that your customers get relevant information about your business when they reach you via Google or search terms related to your offerings.

With GMB, you can:

  • Update your business’s profile using the Google My Business app on the go.
  • Encourage customers to leave reviews for high click-through and conversion rates.
  • Share your latest offers via videos, photos, and texts.
  • Use engaging visuals to showcase your services and products.
  • Track website visits and calls and acquire other detailed insights.

Overall, GMB is a powerful way to boost your online visibility and local search optimization.

Attracting Backlinks Naturally to Your Ecommerce Business

Link building is an important advanced SEO strategy element, but it can be a challenge for many online store owners.

Building a quality backlink portfolio requires a sound strategy. For starters, you need to pick the right content type to publish to get high-quality backlinks.

Other strategies that experts such as Ardor SEO employ include:

  • Guest blog posting—Each blog post should reach the maximum audience to attract large numbers of your target demographic. Guest blogging lets your content reach more people without requiring you to own the blog’s viewership. Simply put, target blogs will get free posts that increase the quality and diversity of their content, while you will earn backlinks from the blog’s popularity.
  • Comprehensive guides—Guides educate viewers while generating backlinks. Many online users will share a guide on social media that helped them overcome a challenging issue. Because of this, consider creating guides for the topics you think will interest viewers.
  • Informative infographics—Visual content allows for better information-retaining and message-conveying compared to just written text. Use infographics in email marketing, for example, to convey critical information. Infographics also create more backlinks compared to the average blog post.
  • Surveys – Conducting surveys helps increase viewer engagement. The surveys keep viewers occupied answering questions and should be entertaining enough that customers might share them with family and friends. You also get to derive insightful data from these that you can use for creating dynamic content.

Using Social Media and SEO to Support Each Other

Social media and SEO often strengthen each other’s contribution to building your business.

Through social media, you can give your SEO strategy a boost that in turn leads more people toward your social feeds. The best marketing strategy includes using both channels to reap the best results.

Using social media can drive people to your website. Also, sharing content on your social media feeds helps build your authority; and once this happens, they are more likely to share your content and link back to it.

Use your site to encourage more interaction on your social channels. Make sure your social profiles are easy to find. Plus, encourage content viewers to share your content–using click-to-tweet software, for example.

Here are another few ways to improve the cycle of mutual benefits: 

  • Use social media channel tools to get input from followers and repurpose that into content for your site.
  • Social media is a powerful resource for learning about the struggles your audience has, the topics they want to hear, and things they want to complain about.
  • SEO analytics, like audience data, pageview engagement, and conversion data, can help shape your social media strategy.
  • Social sites can help you interact with industry influencers and website owners and create connections that help get the word about your brand out there.


In 2017, $2.38 trillion of global sales were eCommerce, and the number will rise to over $4.92 trillion in 2021. If you want your online business to get a piece of the cake, it is pertinent to have a strong SEO strategy in place. The tips and tricks above do more than teach you how to get customers online; they also help you build a well-oiled SEO machine that boosts your sales!

Running a business is never easy. However, we provide the tools and technologies that help you meet and overcome the challenges of tomorrow. Read our other business articles here.

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