Steve Jobs #1 Persuasion Secret

Steve Jobs was known as one of the most persuasive people on the planet. What was his secret? You might be thinking his secret was sound logic or hyper-salesmanship. But if you’re thinking that, you’re wrong. The truth is his secret was that he leveraged something each and every one of us is capable of. What was it? Check out this video to find out.

Transcript: Want to know what Steve Jobs did to be so persuasive? You probably think you’ve got it figured out. But let me tell you something – it’s not what you’re thinking.

Let’s do this, shall we?

If you’re like most people interested in persuasion, influence, and leadership, you’ve studied all the techniques used by the world’s most influential people. 

Now, before I tell you what Jobs’ secret was, let’s explore the technique that you’re probably using right now.

Most people try to persuade others by following a logical path – A plus B plus C equals D.

Their thinking is that, as logical human beings, we can convince other people to agree with us based on a sound, cohesive argument.

But if you’ve ever tried to convince your uncle that climate change is real based on logic, you know that … well, it’s fruitless.

What made Steve Jobs so effective wasn’t his logic, and it wasn’t even his products. Instead, it was his ability to sell you on his enthusiasm for his products.

If you watch any of Jobs’ speeches – and I’d encourage you to watch his 2007 speech introducing the iPhone – you’ll notice that his technique revolves around his pent-up enthusiasm for the iphone.

It’s sort of this slow build as he inches you towards his introduction of this amazing, transformational device.

So, next time you’re doing a presentation or a speech or even talking to a client, don’t sell them on the logic of your argument. Although logic is important, what you want to sell them on is your passion, enthusiasm, and love for what it is you’re sharing with them.

My name is Jamie Turner. This has been IN:60, and I’ll catch you next time. 

About the Author: Jamie Turner is an internationally recognized speaker, author, and CEO who is a recipient of the Socialnomics “Top Keynote Speaker” award (along with Tony Robbins, Ariana Huffington, and Richard Branson). His client list includes The Coca-Cola Company, AT&T, Microsoft, Verizon, SAP, T-Mobile, and Holiday Inn. You may have seen Jamie in Forbes, Inc., Entrepreneur, Business Insider or the Wall Street Journal. He’s also a regular guest on CNN and HLN where he contributes segments on marketing, persuasion, and leadership. Jamie is the co-founder of A School Bell Rings, a non-profit that improves access to education for impoverished children around the globe. If you’d like to find out more about having Jamie speak at your next event, click through to JamieTurner.Live

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