Tips For Growing Your Marketing Agency

In a survey of almost 4,000 leading marketing teams across the globe, CRM specialists, Salesforce found that offering clients a unified customer experience will be vital for marketing teams wishing to forge ahead in the near future. Building a customer journey strategy is key since every business has different challenges that arise during customer service, and anticipating and addressing each of these needs allows excellent service to be provided. Of course, this proactive strategy is just one of many your marketing agency needs to take if it is to satisfy client needs and create a reputation that will lead to further growth. The following additional tips may be useful if your team wishes to achieve greater success in the upcoming months.

Specialization Is Key

Companies that hire a marketing agency will usually have savvy managers who already know which area they wish to focus on.  Around 32% of marketing agencies identify themselves as ‘digital marketing’ agencies. However,  as found by marketing specialists Coredna, “successful agencies almost always focused on one field or vertical.” Areas of focus include content marketing, SEO, social media, analytics and the like. You certainly don’t have to stick to one specialty, but selecting one or two main areas that match the segments you are targeting will help establish you as an authority in these fields. Identify verticals in which you have shone and tailor your strategies around emphasizing these strengths

Diversity In Your Own Marketing Strategy

Specializing in one field does not mean you shouldn’t use other strategies to foster your own growth. You may specialize in content marketing, for instance, but you still need to ‘offer your own firm’ a full array of digital services that includes innovative technologies, analytics, development, and inbound marketing. Continuing to work in various areas will enable you to adapt if needs be. Since search engines commonly change their algorithms and social networks change advertising policies and technology, being ready to take advantage of new openings in the market will enable you to grow fast while others work on catching up.

Focus On The Visual

Research by Livestream and New York Magazine indicates that 80% of those surveyed prefer to watch a brand’s video than read a blog entry. If you create visual material for your clients, take note. Quality is the number one factor that makes videos watchable, according to 67% of those polled. Live video is also on point: around 80% would rather watch a streamed event than something that is pre-recorded. Even if your specialism lies elsewhere, your team should be accustomed to creating slick, high-quality videos with the help of tools such as Wideo, Animoto and Videoscribe. If they need further training, provide it, and ask your team to create video material for your own firm before offering these services to external clients.

Attract The Best

New technologies such as artificial intelligence, data-driven marketing and voice search optimization are important priorities for many businesses, so hiring technologically savvy employees to master key skills you wish to offer is vital if you wish to expand. To attract excellent hirees, offering optimal working conditions – including flexible working hours, rewards for hitting targets, and basic protection such as workers’ compensation insurance – is key. As stated by Cerity Insurance, even in non-risky professions such as marketing and advertising, offering compensation ensures workers will have the care they need if by any chance they have an unexpected accident or injury on the job. Additional factors that can attract millennial workers include the possibility of remote work: a recent Deloitte survey shows that this generation feels that remote work boosts productivity and improves the work-life balance.

Offering Something New

Research into your competitors’ products and services and try to offer a different service. For instance, you might wish to offer virtual reality design or chat marketing services within your areas of expertise. Live chat is one of the most useful tools companies can have on their webpage because it encourages conversations and informs potential clients at the moment when their interest in a product or service is piqued. Providing clients with fast, efficient chat services will help capture leads, avoid long waits for clients (thanks to the aid of chatbots), and ask insightful questions that will encourage clients to engage in chats.

To successfully grow your marketing business, you need to offer external clients one thing and your own company another. Specialization for clients will enable you to fulfill a specific demand and grow your reputation as an authority in your chosen fields. It is important, however, to continue work on several areas at once – everything from SEO and content marketing to voice recognition tech – to market your own firm. To achieve these aims, you will need to hire top talent and always be on the lookout for ways to innovate and stand out from your competitors. 

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