What do Web Design and PPC Have In Common?

Today, in the world of rapidly advancing information technologies, having a functional website for a business is no longer a choice – it is a complete necessity. However, just any website is not enough anymore. The days of simple web pages are over. Your company needs a site that will give it a positive appearance and meet the needs of your target audience. This crucial combination helps generate quality leads and convert them into loyal clients. 

Even though all companies differ in needs and goals, there are some things one can do to their site when launching, updating, or completely redesigning it and thereby improve the user experience. This is essential as it creates more quality leads, better conversion rates, and ultimately higher ROI. Of course, if you don’t deal with web design and development as a company or don’t have a special department for that, you will require professional assistance. Luckily, there are many great web design agencies on the market nowadays with experience in all the various niches imaginable. You must first find the one that can provide you with the services you need. Then, discuss what you are looking for and let their team take care of your site. You can take care of PPC at pretty much any stage of your website’s evolution – during the initial design steps, right after launch, or during updates. Let’s take a closer, deeper look at some of the most useful PPC tips for your company’s site. 

How Do Web Design and PPC Work Together? 

For those of you who are unfamiliar, PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, which is a model of internet marketing where the advertisers pay a small fee each time one of their ads is clicked on. PPC is mainly used to buy website visits, and it is one of the most popular ways online marketing is used to increase traffic. 

PPC and Web Design are two very different terms that are not often found in the same sentence. When it comes to websites, most businesses focus on getting the much-coveted “responsive” website as they consider Google Ads a fast track towards building their client list. 

Sure, we all know that SEO and web design work hand in hand when it comes to getting traction on search engines, but one factor that’s rarely discussed is how PPC and web design can work together to improve your success in both generating traffic and getting leads. 

When it comes to marketing one’s business, many business owners focus on ad messaging, ad groups, and conversion tracking. Those focused on improving customer experience concentrate on web design. After all, what does PPC have to do with the responsiveness of a website, right? 

The truth is – quite a lot. The reason is that while it matters what a business website looks like, so too does its performance. In other words, even if your customers click an ad and are taken to your website, they will likely leave and never return if your website is difficult to navigate. 

How to Engage an Audience Using PPC? 

Since advertisers are required to make bids for ad placement for sponsored links on search engines, with the most visible positions on a webpage going to the highest bidders, it pays to make sure you get the most out of your efforts. Whenever somebody clicks on your ad, they are sent to your website, and you are required to pay Google a fee – here is another reason why web design and PPC should go hand in hand. This fee is insignificant all things considered as long as the person that’s directed to your website makes a purchase or hires your services. This is one of the reasons why PPC outsourcing is all the rage these days. 

How Do You Draw People to Your Website? 

First things first! If you own a business and don’t have a website yet, you need to hire a web design agency in San Francisco to create one for you. After your site is built, the agency will make sure that all of the users that land on it, stay on it. To make this happen, your agency’s web development team will make sure that your website is: 

Visually Appealing 

A good design will help catch users’ attention. Discuss all your needs and wants with the agency, so they can create designs that connect with your target audience. 

Simple to Navigate

The information on your site must be accessible and simple to find and read. 

Ensures a Great User Experience

This is tightly related to the navigation: users must be able to always and easily find all the information they are looking for. 

Quick Loading Times 

This is a very important aspect of a site that not many web design agencies take into account. A quick loading website is crucial to preventing visitors from leaving earlier than they should. 


A responsive design means that your website responds and resizes itself across all currently used devices. This includes desktop computers, laptops, and mobile devices with smaller screens, such as smartphones and tablets. 

Today, more than 60% of web searches are conducted via mobile devices. Taking this amount of traffic into consideration, Google rewards sites designed for multiple devices and platforms with better placement in search results. A responsive design allows for better usability and makes it easier to read on small devices. This creates a pleasant user experience overall. 

The better you accomplish the things described above, the more time your site visitors will spend on it. This makes it much more likely they will return! 

What If You Already Have a Website? 

If you already have a website, you should work closely with your design agency to improve it. This process normally begins by creating landing pages. 

A landing page is a standalone web page designed specifically to convert visitors into leads. The operation is simple: if you offer something that entices the visitor, they will be more inclined to provide their information. This page helps convert the users into paying customers. 

PPC is in charge of driving the correct users to the correct landing page. Once that user lands on that page, they will hopefully fill out that form.

It would help if you also considered having A/B Testing. A/B testing is a highly recommended practice when trying to improve the conversion rate of your website. A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage against each other to determine which one performs better. Changes can be as simple as changing colors, position, or size of buttons that users interact with, or they can be as complex as redesigning the entire page. This all depends on your exact goal and what you are looking for.


A good and well functioning website will become your 24/7 assistant that never gets tired, weary, or discouraged. But you have to make sure it functions properly and provides your target audience with all the required features and information that will ultimately lead them to become your customers. This is why it’s necessary for the web design agency you hire to understand your needs and your audience to provide you with the proper services that are within your budget limitations. 

There’s no sense in launching a site that will sit there on the web and do nothing. It has to work for you and provide a return on your investment. Hence, it is important to work closely with your web design agency to spot any issues and learn new things about using your online presence for your company’s good. The best websites always emerge from successful collaborations between web designers and business owners.

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