Want to Become a Marketing Freelancer? Here’s What You Need to Know

There’s nothing stopping you from becoming one of the millions of people who have successfully transitioned to freelance careers. It’s a great option if you are looking to make your own hours, be your own boss, and even make more than you currently do at your 9-5 job. With so many possible benefits, why wouldn’t you make the change? The truth is, it’s not as simple as you might think. If you are wondering how to become a freelancer, then here is a quick step-by-step guide. (For more information on this topic, you’ll also want to read Is the Grass Really Greener? on the Porch.com website.)

Step 1: Make Sure It’s Right For You

While the thought of being your own boss may be exciting, don’t get too far ahead of yourself. Being a freelancer isn’t for everyone. You need to remember that just because you change careers does not mean that your previous financial responsibilities will go away. Make sure that you can accept the fact that you may have a little less in your pocket when you’re starting out, and see if you can make your budget work with lower earnings. If not, then you may need to wait until your finances are in better shape. 

Step 2: Get Yourself Motivated

It can be hard to get yourself motivated to work when you don’t have to answer to a boss or your co-workers. Developing your self-discipline is a big part of how to become a freelancer. You need to be able to sit down every day in your home, without anyone giving you instructions, and ignore all the distractions. The television might be tempting, or the dog might look like it wants to play, but you still must get your work done. Being self-motivated requires practice and hard work. You can’t simply turn it on. You need to develop your self-discipline over time. 

Step 3: Branding

Just because you’re an individual does not mean you can’t have a brand. In fact, it’s crucial to your success. Make sure that you have a presence on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for starters. Create a logo. You can use an online logo maker service to help build one quickly and easily so you’re up and running as soon as possible. Your brand and the content you produce for your social media and website should reflect the personality you want to display. You aren’t selling a physical product, but you are selling yourself, so make sure that you are attractive to potential clients. 

Step 4: Decide On a Niche

Many guides can tell you how to become a freelancer, but they often miss a crucial aspect. It’s important to find a niche that works for you. It should be something that you feel that you are naturally good at, and also something you think can be profitable. The best thing about being a freelancer is that the options are endless. However, if you don’t start out with a narrow focus, you might end up being overwhelmed and give up before you really get started. It’s best to find something in which to specialize, get really good at it, and then branch out as your business grows. 

Step 5: Network

You’ve probably heard the saying that “it’s not who you are, it’s who you know,” and this is especially true when it comes to freelancing. When you start your business, tell your friends, family, and previous colleagues. You may be able to get business directly from them, or from anyone they refer to you. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of marketing, so make use of it with the people who know you and trust you. 

Step 6: Build Your Portfolio

It’s hard to convince someone to hire you without giving them a reason. Make sure that you always have your work ready to present to potential clients to show what you can do. Creating sample content should be a part of your work day, just like producing paid work. Your portfolio should show off your skills, and be as diverse as possible within your niche so that prospects will be suitably impressed. 

Step 7: Market Yourself

After you are finished with your friends and family, it’s time to move on to the general public to really grow your business. Work on SEO strategies, emails, calls, and social media. Create marketing materials and content, including the logo you made with logo.com and get your brand out there. There are many websites that will connect freelancers to jobs as well, so join up with those that seem like a good fit for you. Marketing well is just as important as doing your job well, since you won’t be able to last if you don’t have any clients. 

Now that you have a basic idea of how to become a freelancer, it’s time to put everything into action. Set aside some time, sit down at your computer, and get to work! You will be thankful that you did. 

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