6 Best Practices for Creating Facebook Video Ads

There’s a ton of content on social media, but so much of it is written content or written content with one static image. And while video is undoubtedly growing in popularity —  consumers and marketers both love it — there are plenty of brands that are still not creating video content. Why? Because it’s different from what they’ve done, and that learning curve can be intimidating.

In this article, we’re going to talk about the top best practices that brands and marketers should consider when creating Facebook video ads.

Choose the Right Equipment and Tools

Before we start, know this: If you’re on a limited budget or you don’t want to go all-in before deciding if video ads are right for your business, you don’t need to drop thousands of dollars on professional video equipment. 

That said, a decent camera, sound, and lighting equipment are necessary, unless you’re going to create moving videos out of still images and other graphics (which is possible — check out how Kitchen Aid did it). If you’ll be recording video, you want a camera that will shoot in high resolution and store a lot of media.

You’ll also need to use video editing software, which ranges from budget-friendly to high-cost. You can invest in something like Final Cut Pro X or you can stick with a less expensive iPhone app that still lets you cut the types of videos you want to make. Whatever you choose, figure it out at the beginning; otherwise, your ad creation process will come to a halt early on.

Grab Attention Right at the Beginning of the Video

No matter how long or short your video is, you have to grab the user’s attention as soon as possible, which means within the first 3 to 5 seconds. The beginning should be the strongest section of your ad. Use a bold statement (written in text) or an irresistible image. Tell a joke, ask a question, flash the name of an influencer who will be featured — just do something to get the viewer to stay put once they’ve started watching.

This ad from Blue Bunny sparks your curiosity from the first second. You’ll definitely stick around to find out what’s inside the freezer. Also, the ad is super short, which means a lot of viewers are going to watch to the very end.

Tell a Story

You’ve probably heard this tip a lot when creating any type of brand content. What does it mean, though? It’s a little tricky to figure out, especially since you may picture fairy tales or lengthy novels when you hear the “tell a story” advice. 

This tip means you should humanize your brand by giving your viewers something they can relate to. Your first step is to leave corporate speak and industry jargon at the door. A compelling ad doesn’t contain facts and figures, stats and graphs. Instead, the goal is to connect with your viewers on a personal level. This Facebook video ad from Amazon does this beautifully by telling the story of an associate who’s keeping her team safe.

Put the Attention on the Customer

Instead of talking about your company, talk about your customer. The focus should be on your audience and what they need, not on you. Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t mention your business at all, of course. Compare these two statements:

  1. Our productivity software company designs tools for small businesses.
  2. A practical workflow framework is the key to getting more done painlessly.

Both statements may be true for your company, but the first one is all about the company, while the second appeals to what customers will care about. If you go with a sentence like the second one, you’re still promoting what you sell, but in a way that makes it much more valuable to buyers.

Add Text for Context

Every video ad should be understandable even when it’s muted (because it will be, a lot). You have two choices. The first is to create an ad that is perfectly understandable even without sound, like this one from Lamborghini. (This is also a great example of showing multiple products and products from multiple angles in one video ad). The second option is to add captions or text that will get the point across even on mute, like Wayfair did in this ad.

There are all sorts of reasons why someone may view your ad without the sound on, even if the experience is better with it. They may be scrolling through Facebook late at night while their partner is asleep next to them. They may be looking at Facebook at work. Or, they may simply not love how videos sound — it can be jarring to some people. By clarifying the point of the video sans sound, you won’t miss out on all of those viewers.

Measure Your Efforts

You can certainly look at how other brands are creating and managing Facebook video ads to get inspired and keep up with the competition, but the most important ad creator to watch is yourself. The more video ads you make, the more opportunities to see what’s working and what’s not. Regularly review the stats for your ads and apply what you’ve learned to your next ones. Which ads held your audience’s attention and which were completely ignored? Did a certain CTA work better than another? Be your own student so you can eventually master your ads.

Wrapping Up

Video is entertaining and delivers a ton of info, fast. Plus, it’s a welcome break from an endless row of text posts and ads. You can quickly build a personal connection between your brand and the viewer, then gently guide them to take the next step through your CTA. Facebook video ads can be time-consuming to create (which is why you should seek the help of a facebook advertising agency), but they’re most certainly worth it.

About the Author: Brian Meert is the CEO of AdvertiseMint, a Hollywood-based digital advertising agency that specializes in helping successful companies advertise on Facebook. Advertisemint has managed millions of dollars in digital ad spends in entertainment, fashion, finance, and software industries. Brian is also the author of the best selling, The Complete Guide to Facebook Advertising. He is a 15-year digital advertising executive and a member of the Forbes Agency Council.

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