How to Create Onboarding Emails That Destroy Customer Churn

Making new users sign up for your email newsletter is winning only half the battle. You will have to put in a lot of effort to keep them interested, retain them, and turn them into buying customers.

Onboarding emails are convenient when it comes to showing prospects how your products or services can solve their pain points and entice them to buy or use them.

It is said that 9 out of 10 marketers depend on email marketing to distribute their content.


And 81% of SMBs use emails to acquire customers, while 80% use it for customer retention. 


Plus, it has a high ROI as for every $1 spent on email marketing, you get $42 in return on an average.

If you want your number of customers and sales to increase, you should focus on acing your email onboarding strategy.   

Here are some crucial tips for creating onboarding emails that destroy customer churn:

Send a welcome email that creates a strong impression.

Your welcome email is going to decide whether or not your subscribers open the remaining emails that you send. You need to create a powerful impression to convince them while guiding them to take the next step. To create a positive first experience, give them an idea of what to expect.

Look at how Habitat entices its customers with friendly GIFs, striking design, and a beautiful color scheme. They also offer a strong primary CTA and uses incentives to lure customers into buying their products. 


Moreover, notice the use of Micro-CTAs. They can encourage new clients to explore your products and follow you on your active social media platforms. In this digital age, engaging with your customers on social media is not an option. It is mandatory.

And in case your product is an app or something that new users need to download or install, make them do it early on to offer value. If they can use your free trial without having to download, it is less likely that they will convert into paying customers.

Personalize emails

There are plenty of benefits linked to personalizing emails. Users find personalized content useful, it improves open and click-through, it engages readers, and boosts sales. It is estimated that the median ROI of personalized email marketing is 122%. 


Including your subscriber’s name on the email is a great idea. It creates a personal bond. 

Have a look at how AnyPerk sent a short but effective personalized email to their user Jimmy, introducing him to their service and letting him know where to get started. Plus, they offered him help. 


Here is another excellent example of a personalized email sent by BuzzStream, a company that sells software designed to build relationships. In their email, BuzzStream tries to build a relationship with the client by setting expectations and offering their customer support team service.


Sending your emails using a team member’s address or your company email instead of a general address is another great tip.

Optimize your emails for mobile users

It is estimated that 46% of the emails are opened on mobile devices. So neglecting to optimize your emails for mobile users will make you lose out on a large number of clients.

Start by using a responsive email template. Zapier offers simple yet responsive templates that ensure your emails look fabulous no matter which device and screen size they are opened on. 

The next things to focus on are your visuals and copy. Make sure to optimize your images for mobile so that it loads fast. There are plenty of tools out there like the JPEG Optimizer, Optimizilla, and so on that will help you to compress your images.

Or try to create more descriptive content. And keep your subject line around 25 to 30 characters. Most mobile devices will show only a limited number of characters.

Moreover, shorter email subject lines get more open and click-through rates. Experts say that in 2019, 7 words seemed to be the sweet spot for email subject line length.


Also, don’t use the same email subject line over and over again. Your subscribers will get easily bored. Plus, A/B test your subject lines using tools like Campaign Monitor to determine which ones work the best.

Send motivational emails

At times, your new users may feel less motivated to continue to explore your product. Sending them a timely motivation email will work wonders at such times.

Motivational emails can serve as a reward for your users for taking action. It will make them feel great about using your product. This tactic can also be used to build momentum and nudge them to take the next step in the user onboarding process.

Soapbox does a great job here.


Their email celebrating the first step taken by the user looks super fun. It also shows their brand’s style and copies. And by adding the image of the people behind the brand, they build a more human connection.

Users will definitely be encouraged to take the next step by clicking on the clear CTA.  

However, you can also personalize the email by addressing the user by their first or last name.

To ensure that your users have an engaging experience during the user onboarding process, you can use user onboarding tools like Whatfix. The tool is designed to engage users with interactive product tours that your users will love.


Following these four crucial strategies will ensure that your onboarding email strategy work. It will not only engage and retain users but also boost your sales.

User onboarding is the first step of the journey that your customers take towards turning into loyal paying customers. Make sure that they have a memorable experience. 

To summarize, here are some of the tips that you should swear by if you want to destroy customer churn: 

  • Send a warm and impressive welcome email at the outset.
  • Focus on personalization.
  • Make your emails mobile-friendly as most of your email receivers will open your emails on mobile devices.
  • Also, don’t neglect to send timely motivational emails to your new users.

About the Author: Hazel Raoult is a freelance marketing writer and works with PRmention. She has 6+ years of experience in writing about business, entrepreneurship, marketing and all things SaaS. Hazel loves to split her time between writing, editing, and hanging out with her family.

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