How to Advance Your Marketing Career During Covid-19

The covid-19 pandemic has caused a major shift in how businesses run and how customers buy. Basic soft skills are still required as a marketing professional, but new hard skills must be learned and implemented. To be successful and advance your marketing career learning new skills, or refining old skills, is required. Online or traditional schools can help you progress quickly, and online sources such as seminars and certificates can inform you of changes along the way.

Soft skills

Creativity is a major portion of marketing, and business in general. Thinking outside the box and being willing to take risks will lead to new customers and retaining old ones. A notion that goes along with new ideas is being able to adapt to the ever-changing needs of customers.

During this pandemic many people have demanded more online options. Social media, newsletters, emails, blogs, and other online platforms are the only way for an aspiring marketer to advance their career. Be emotionally aware of how people react, especially the new generation of potential buyers, because it can make or break a marketer.

The most important soft skill to have is persuasion. This is an art form that breeds success or crashes into failure. Most buyers rely on contacts that they trust. Price can be viewed as a factor, but not as largely as it was before.  Persuade a person to buy, gain their trust, and repeat buyers are made that will be loyal to any new ideas or rebranding that you come up.

Hard Skills

Skills that are not common, or that do not come naturally, are called hard skills. A huge aspect of marketing and being able to advance your career in the field is continued learning. A successful person will continue to adapt to the demands of the customer. As mentioned before there are many ways to develop professional skills in the marketing sector. Seminars, blog posts, articles, and certificates can inform and educate. Another way to expand your knowledge for a marketing career is to continue higher education with an advanced degree such as an online DBA with a marketing emphasis.

Analyzing reports and documents to market effectively is a task that can be daunting to even the most skilled businessperson. Education is, and should be, top priority with anyone trying to advance their career. The covid-19 pandemic has made this even more important. New advances, such as artificial intelligence and online platforms, have caused a change in customer patterns. Buyers expect companies to stay ahead of issues that might arise, and if trust is gained money is made.


Advancing your marketing career may seem like a huge task. If the basic soft skills are combined with new age hard skills your goal will be achieved. Even though public buying patterns change over time, the main thing is that most consumers follow the trends. This can be used in marketing to gain new customers, hold onto loyal buyers, and make the ability to present new or rebranded items successfully. Stay ahead of the trend, continue learning, and push forward into the next generations.

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