Surefire Ways to Keep Your Staff More Productive

Image source: unsplash.com

Productivity in the workplace is crucial for your business. When employees are productive, you can provide more goods and services to consumers. It will then translate to higher sales and profits. 

Meanwhile, having a slacker means several daily tasks don’t get done and these can pile up in no time. This can affect the long-term performance and goals of your business. 

Thus, you should know how to inspire employees to perform better. Studies revealed that engaged workers are 17% more productive than their peers. Whether you’re running a small business or large corporation, look for ways that’ll keep them more present and involved at work. 

There are different methods to motivate employees. But this article highlights the surefire ways to keep your staff more productive. 

Get Rid of Productivity Killers

It’s essential to recognize that employees are not robots. They have emotions and tend to get caught up in the daily hustle and bustle of work. Most of them get distracted and become inefficient in their tasks. 

If you want your staff to deliver their personal best, get rid of these productivity killers:

  • Unnecessary meetings: Frequent meetings and check-ins can hurt productivity in the workplace. In one survey, 65% reported that meetings prevent them from completing their tasks. As much as possible, avoid a series of long and purposeless meetings. If you call for one, keep it around 15 minutes and prepare an agenda in advance. 
  • Multitasking: Many employers value multitasking skills when hiring their staff. But while performing tasks at once seems like a good idea, it’s not efficient in reality. Research shows that multitasking lowers productivity by about 40%. Instead of insisting that your employees multitask, equip them to prioritize projects. 
  • Inconsistency: Adapting to changes is essential in every business. But inconsistent work processes are different and can affect an employee’s performance. If there are no fixed rules, your staff can get distracted, resulting in more unfinished tasks. 
  • Lack of Appreciation: Employees can get demotivated if they don’t receive any appreciation. Anyone likes a pat on the back when they’re performing well. So. make sure that you value the work of your staff. You can start with a recognition program. But note that each person may have different preferences. 
  • Finger-pointing: It’s typical to blame someone for missed deadlines. But focusing your time on mistakes can reduce productivity. Instead of pointing fingers, spend more time on how they can improve. 

Use and Upgrade Technology

Nowadays, technology plays a vital role in creating a more efficient workforce. By automating repetitive tasks, your staff can focus more on revenue-generating activities. Besides increasing employees’ productivity, it can also lead to fewer human errors. 

Below are some technology tools that may help make your employees more productive: 

  • Project management tools
  • Time trackers
  • Website/app blockers
  • Learning management system
  • Note-taking program
  • Password management app
  • Unified communication managers

There are many productivity tools out there. But make sure to choose something that will serve your business best. Also, keep in mind that its efficacy depends on how the employees use them. Thus, ensure to give them proper training and education. 

Set Scheduled Breaks

Too much workload and pressure can burn out employees. To recover from stress and perform at their best, they need to take breaks now and then. But due to a fast-paced environment, most of them have little time to do so. There’s always work to do, making it hard for employees to get away from their desks. 

As an employer, it’s crucial to set scheduled breaks to increase staff productivity. Note that working for long periods without rest results in stress and exhaustion. 

But following a break, the brain can function better. Taking a nap or playing a low-tension game can provide some mental relief. It can help regain lost focus from long work hours. With renewed strength and motivation, employees will be more able to complete their tasks. 

Enhance Office Communication

Miscommunication can delay the duration of a project. Employees can go back and forth in their tasks without making any progress. It won’t only hurt their morale but also productivity. Make sure to have effective communication in place. This way, employees will get clear and definite instructions. Note that they are more likely to work better if they are sure about what they need to do. 

Pay Attention to Workplace Design

The workplace’s structure and setting can also affect the productivity of your staff. If you want them to perform better, pay attention to the office design. Remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when doing this. But make sure that it allows them to stay focused and engaged. 

You can install the following designs to make your employees more productive: 

  • Add more natural light. 
  • Invest in ergonomic chairs. 
  • Bring in some plants. 
  • Use warm colours in the office. 
  • Build lounge areas or exercise rooms. 
  • Maintain warm temperatures. 
  • Consider open floor plans or modular desk layouts. 

Promote Self-Care

It’s hard for employees to produce better results if they’re not healthy. If you want them to perform at their best, promote a culture of self-care in the workplace. It can make a big difference in building happier workday routines for your staff. According to a study, happy workers are 12% more productive

Here are some ways you can normalize self-care among employees: 

  • Provide stress and time management courses.
  • Introduce wellness checkups.
  • Create a mindfulness program.
  • Offer flexible work schedules. 
  • Discourage eating lunch at their desks. 
  • Encourage the use of health insurance. 

Final Thoughts

Keeping employees productive can be hard work. But most of them are willing to go the extra mile if they see their value in the company. Recognizing their efforts and responding to their needs can make them feel important. But it’s worth noting that you can only do so much for them. They would also have to do their part at the end of the day. 

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