Your Website Needs These Vital Elements

The website is easily one of the most important aspects of your business brand. Without the right website in place, your company is going to be dead in the water. That’s why you need to make sure that you do think about how to build a website that is going to stand out, attract the right interest and ensure that customers keep coming back. To do this, you need to ensure that several key elements are in place. In this article, we’ll discuss these elements and show you why they are important. 

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Unique Design 

First, you should think about the overall design of the website. If you don’t get the design right then customers are going to click away in search of something more interesting. One mistake that new business owners often make is using a template as a starting point for your website. If you do this, then your website is going to look like countless others because people do tend to take advantage of free solutions like this. If you are using a template, you should make sure that you work with a builder software to customize it as much as possible.

To ensure that your website has the best design, it’s advisable to hire a professional designer. They can create a website that perfectly matches your business brand and does deliver the impact that you need. When you are looking at different designers, make sure that you do check their reviews and projects that they have previously worked on. You need to make sure that you do avoid using a cookie cutter service. It’s easier than you might think to end up with a solution like this when you are choosing a company on the market. 

Introduction Video

Your website has to make the right impression on your client base. If you don’t make a killer first impression, then you’re going to end up with a lot of people leaving it minutes. This is going to give you a high bounce rate. Various reports show that a high bounce rate will absolutely obliterate your search ranking. Essentially, you’ll struggle to ensure that more people find your website. 

So, how can you ensure that people are immediately impressed by – or at least interested in – what your business website can offer? Well, you might want to think about opening with a video. They say a picture can tell a thousand words. Well, we think that a video can tell a million. In fact, a video can immediately get straight to the point that you’re trying to make. You can introduce your business and what you can offer in minutes. That’s important because a lot of people tend to leave websites if they don’t know what it’s offering and why they should care.

Of course, to create the right impact, you need to make sure that you produce a brilliant video. Video production experts can help ensure that you achieve the real impact you need here. 

Blog Space

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Another great element to add to your website would be a blog. You can connect or embed a blog in your site and it will provide a range of benefits. First, it will greatly improve your SEO. When it comes to SEO, content is still king. If you add the right amount of content, then you’re going to increase your ranking. Or, at least you should if it reaches the right quality standards. The problem is that adding a lot of content to your site in a way that is poorly structured will make it look messy. It can also mean it’s difficult to navigate. We’ll get to that but a blog avoids this issue completely. All the content is in one place and users can easily search for information that they want or need. 

It’s great for your customers too because you are providing them with value. If you deliver plenty of high quality blog posts, customers are going to appreciate your business more. Particularly if you make the content engaging, entertaining, interesting, or useful. 

Live Chat 

If your customers want to be able to get in touch with you via your website then you might like to think about adding a live chat function. It is a well known fact that customers and clients don’t want to wait around for answers to their questions. Previously, these individuals may have been waiting up to two days for a reply to their query. Now with the live chat they can have answers in a matter of minutes. 

Your customers and clients much prefer non verbal ways of communication when contacting businesses. It can cause an incredible amount of anxiety speaking to people on the phone so a live chat function is much better. Of course, you can still offer other forms of getting in touch on your website. 

Great Structure 

We briefly mentioned this already but getting the structure of your website right is critical to ensure it’s both user friendly and SEO friendly. Essentially, your website should follow the three click rule. Three clicks and any customer should be exactly where they need to be. 

Social Media Links 

Within your website it is a great idea to link to your social media pages. This not only gets you more attention but can give your customers and clients a sense of being closer to you as a company and business. If you post things such as updates on your business and any products then your followers and closest customers will be the first to hear about it. 

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We hope this helps you understand some of the key elements that you need to guarantee that your website is successful and does have the right impact on your target audience. By exploring each of these possibilities in turn, you can build a website that is built to last and that doesn’t get lost in the shuffle online. 

If you are worried that your website isn’t up to the right standards then you should definitely think about speaking to a professional digital marketer or a website designer. They should always be able to help you make the right changes. 

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