All You Need To Know About Docker Hub and Docker Registries

How interesting does it sound to have all the tools needed for the execution of an application within a single image? These images are known as the container images which ‘contain’ all tools that are needed to run an application. Docker provides the service of a Docker registry that allows its users to share and store Docker images within a team or also across its platform with other members. Docker-Hub is one such cloud-based registry that is used for the purpose of sharing container images. Read on in order to gain a deeper insight and understanding of Docker Registries and Docker Hub. 

Details about Docker Registry and Docker Hub

In order for an application to run and be tested, there are certain tools that accompany it such as its code, specific libraries, and other dependencies. The entire package is contained in an image which is called the Docker Image. Docker registries are open source services that hold and allow for the distribution of Docker images. These registries consist of a number of repositories. There are numerous images associated with a single repository, thus tags are used for their identification. In simpler words, this is where all the images can be in one place and therefore it gives better control to the user. There are multiple registries that are used for this purpose such as Google’s Container Registry, Amazon’s Elastic Container Registry, Quay, JFrog etc. They differ in terms of features and level of security, for instance, JFrog provides a limit-free access which means there are no pull-limits for Docker Images, giving a good control to developers making distribution and management efficient and simplified. Docker Hub is also an example of a registry. 

Docker Hub is a cloud-based platform that is provided by Docker Inc and is its official registry that is present when Docker is installed. It holds over 100,000 images and allows an individual to store and share them. It is a Docker registry that allows an individual to store and share Docker Images. It includes information and container images from a variety of sources such as open-source projects, container community developers, and independent software vendors or ISVs who create and distribute code in containers. Companies and firms can also benefit from it as they can select containers from other software vendors via this platform. Artificially Intelligent models and their interfaces can also be tested via the Docker Hub service. 

Features of Docker Hub 

Docker Hub offers certain features such as repositories, builds, verified publisher images, webhooks, teams, and organizations. Moreover, it allows users and developers to build the container images by directly accessing the code from other platforms such as BitBucket or GitHub. Docker Hub gives developers the option to pull container images from other sources that have been verified by Docker or they can also use images from a large library that is provided by the platform itself. Adding on, webhooks refers to the feature that allows Docker Hub to integrate with other platforms once pushes have been made on the repository. A user can have multiple teams under an organization and he can control the accessibility of the images and repositories.

Why use Docker Hub 

It is easy to manage and distribute Docker Images via this service. It also allows DevOps i.e. Development and IT Operations professionals to work on a variety of applications without worrying about the fact of interference by each other. Moreover, it enables the user to have free access to public repositories along with a private repository (i.e. the free use plan). This means that a user can get the feel of the service and understand if it is suitable for him, free of cost. Apart from offering multiple features, it also has security features that are built-in such as multi-factor authentication so that the repositories are secure. Furthermore, it offers an autotest feature. This allows the developer to run the application’s tests once the image has been built, it automatically stops the push, if a test fails. It has an edge over conventional methods because once the image is built via Docker Hub, it can then be sent over to any service that the developer prefers. 

Getting started with Docker Hub

It is quite convenient to get started with Docker Hub. You create an account followed by creating a repository. Docker can be easily installed on your computer. After the creation of the repository, you can build a container image from your computer and then push it onto your repository. 

Ending Note 

Docker Hub would be an efficient tool if one is looking for a single platform for their application’s running and testing. It is a feasible service and would make life much easier except in the case where data security along with time is a significant issue because in that case, it might be a better option to locally cache the container images so that there are fewer delays.

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