6 Easy Ways to Monitor Employee Performance

Companies use employee monitoring to keep track of and improve productivity levels, spot data breaches, and streamline business operations. By keeping an eye on employee performance, managers can find the source of some problems and deal with them head-on. 

This article will teach you how to track employee performance using a combination of goal planning setting, open communication, and the right tools.

So, below are 6 simple methods to track staff performance in order to get the best work possible out of everyone, as opposed to waiting for an annual review or taking a ton of notes constantly.

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  1. Use computer monitoring software

Using computer monitoring software is one of the most efficient methods to keep an eye on employee performance. It enables you to keep tabs on activities and conduct data analysis on the daily duties that employees complete. Having such a platform allows you to identify team members that require assistance, as well as detect any backlogs and boost productivity across the board.

Stress the use of the leaderboard included in many monitoring software programs to inspire your workforce. There is no harm in encouraging some friendly competition among your employees.

  1. Set clear goals 

Your performance development plan’s effectiveness won’t be easy to monitor without clear, quantifiable productivity goals. Decide on your top strategic priorities first, then use a goal-setting framework to create objectives that are actionable, measurable, and supportive of those priorities.

Once you’ve established clear, relevant goals, you can identify the employee performance measures that will ultimately increase the efficacy of your company’s strategic priorities.

  1. Set up one-on-one meetings

Establishing a habit of ongoing, regular one-on-one meetings is the first step to effective performance management. Standup meetings are a quick and effective way for managers to connect with staff, show them genuine and frequent appreciation, and get their input on how to improve processes.

When managers establish the practice of routinely checking in, they will gain a better knowledge of how projects are progressing, monitor employee engagement, and assist in removing any obstacles that are impeding staff productivity.

  1. Make it a habit to review work in progress 

Make it a habit to check how your team members are doing their jobs from time to time. For instance, if the employee is in charge of a database, consider spot-checking the records. If you have staff members working in customer support, playback a random selection of recorded calls. If an employee builds widgets, inspect a few that are only partially completed to see how they appear. If an employee writes reports, be sure to check any early drafts.

Although it is impossible to monitor every action taken by every employee, random samples can and should be checked on a regular basis.

  1. Use a project management tool

When combined with other relevant indicators, working time can be a helpful metric, but is the task actually getting done? Platforms, such as Trello and Asana, allow project managers to track not just the progress of their projects but also the performance of their team members. 

With project management software, project managers can keep an eye on how their team members are contributing to the project, spot roadblocks to progress, and see when key deliverables are due to be completed.

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  1. Consider implementing self-monitoring tools

Allowing employees to keep track of their own progress and performance can be a great way to boost motivation and reveal whether they have a genuine desire to excel.

Using schedules, activity logs, and checklists can boost motivation and involvement on a personal level. In the long run, these tools can help your team members learn new skills including time management, problem-solving, accountability, and more.

Final thoughts

Many businesses are trying to find the best method to keep track of employee performance as they adjust to remote and hybrid work. While some managers only use computer monitoring software to keep an eye on workers’ performance, other strategies, such as enhancing communication, may be more effective for others. The trick is to find a balance between picking a strategy that will uphold trust and establishing a framework that encourages staff members to respect company time.

One last thing: Be sure to reward and recognize your employees if you notice they are performing considerably better. This makes it evident that they are respected and that their efforts have not gone unnoticed. If you do this consistently in situations where it is warranted, it can inspire workers to perform at a better level because they know they are valued.

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