Best Ways to Optimize Your Website for Google Carousel Results in 2023

Google Carousel results are the most prominent and valuable real estate on any search result page. The ability to rank highly in Google Carousel results is a serious advantage for any business that wants to increase revenue through SEO but needs more time or expertise.

If you’re looking for a way to optimize your website for Google Carousel results without hiring an SEO expert, this blog post will give you some tips about making that happen.

Create a Comprehensive List of Keywords

To optimize for Google Carousel, you’ll need to create a comprehensive list of keywords. These are the words and phrases most likely searched by users looking for your content, so they must be specific and relevant to your site.

There should be a keyword list for every page on your website. If you have an article about dog training, then “dog training” should be included in its title tag as well as in its body text. The same goes for URLs, and if you want people who search for “dog training” or “training dogs” to land on this page, those terms need to also appear in both places.

Focus on Core Topics that Describe Your Site

The most critical step to optimizing your website for the carousel is to focus on core topics that describe your site. Too often, content marketers try to be all things to all people by creating a site with multiple sections, each covering a different topic. However, this approach can dilute the focus on a specific niche and make it more difficult for Google’s algorithm to determine which pages are relevant to your target audience.

Instead of trying to be everything for everyone, consider how you can narrow down the topics covered by each section of your website so that they’re more likely to appeal specifically to one group or another. It will help you optimize those pages better than if they were just written with general audiences in mind.

Track Your Content Performance in the Carousel

When optimizing your website to be included in the carousel, tracking your content performance is essential. It will allow you to see which of your pieces of content are performing well and how often users have clicked on each piece.

You can do this using a tool like SEMrush or Ahrefs. These tools have built-in features that allow you to track where your website ranks for keywords related to the carousel results. 

Optimize Your Page Title Tags

It’s essential to optimize your page title tags. It is the first thing people will see when they search for content on your website, so it must be clear and concise. The page title tag is also the main component of carousel results, so optimizing your titles can help you get more clicks from this mobile-friendly feature.

To start, ensure that each page has its unique title tag by avoiding duplicate titles across your pages, not just on one page but on all pages with similar content. Google knows when people are trying to game their system. It means that if you have multiple versions of the same page name or keyword phrase, chances are good that you will need to rank better.

It’s also important not to include unnecessary characters or words in the title tag and to keep things simple. According to Zippy, Google shortens or rewrites 99.9% of title tags over 70 characters long. It’s advisable to keep title tags between 50 to 60 characters.

Make Sure Your Search Snippets are Eye-Catching but Relevant

According to Engine Scout, the number 1 reason people click on featured snippets is that they find them informative. Search snippets are the text that appears in your search engine results. Google wants to give searchers what they want, so their snippets are designed to answer questions and provide answers quickly.

If you want a snippet to appear in Google’s carousel, it should be relevant to the search keyword. For example, if someone is searching for “best online accounting software,” your snippet should address this topic directly. You can also make sure your snippets are eye-catching by including relevant information at the start of each one.

Optimize Your Website Design for Mobile Users

According to Top Design Firms, 50% of consumers believe web design is crucial to a company’s overall brand. Nothing is worse than a website that takes forever to load on your phone. Google has taken action against sites that don’t provide a great mobile experience, and it’s only getting stricter with time.

A good design should be responsive, meaning it adjusts dynamically based on the device being used, not just in size but also navigation and interface. If you have a website design that adapts poorly to mobile devices, consider hiring an expert to help optimize your site for mobile users.

In addition to optimizing your site for mobile users, ensure it loads quickly by optimizing images and videos. The faster your pages load, the better experience you’ll provide for users browsing from their phones or tablets.

Pick an Icon that Makes it Clear What Your Content is About

The next step is to pick an icon that makes it clear what your content is about. Your choice should be relevant to the article’s subject matter and consistent with the styles you use throughout your site. It can help visitors make sense of their choices when they come across a Carousel result because if all of your icons look different, it will take them longer to find what they’re looking for.

Another critical factor is ensuring that your icon is still recognizable even on smaller devices like mobile phones and tablets. There’s less screen space available for viewing content than on desktop computers or laptops with larger screens.

So, how do you create a recognizable icon? An excellent way to start is by using something that people visiting your site would already recognize as being associated with something in particular, like a red heart for Valentine’s Day or black cats during Halloween.

The Best Way to Optimize for Google Carousel Results Is to Pick Relevant Keywords, Track Your Content Performance and Make Sure Your Website Is Mobile-Friendly

When optimizing for carousel results, you need to consider a few things. The first is picking relevant keywords. You must also track your content performance and ensure your website is mobile-friendly.

In the past, optimizing for Google Carousel results was difficult because there were so many factors involved in getting listed on the carousel pages. But with machine learning and other technologies at play, it’s much easier to get into that coveted position today than it was just a few years ago.


The Carousel is a great way to get your business in front of more people. It’s also a great way to improve your SEO and drive more traffic to your website. You can optimize your Carousel results using the tips outlined in this post, which will help you ensure that your content gets the visibility it deserves in this highly competitive space.

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