How to Update Your Social Media Account if You Have Limited Time

Every business owner knows that their business needs to be present and visible on social media to become successful. Maintaining multiple accounts and providing content can, however, be time-consuming and stressful. If you would rather focus on more important tasks, such as developing new products, or creating promotions, you will need to get creative when it comes to social media posting. Below you will find a few tips on how to spend less time connecting with your audience and customers through social media.

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Schedule Your Posts ahead Once a Week

To save you time, and avoid spending hours a day posting on social media, you can set up your posts ahead. All social media accounts, including Facebook for Business and Twitter allow you to set a publication date in the future. Set one or two hours aside every week when you create your posts, so you always have fresh content without getting carried away visiting the sites and checking your friends’ baby pictures during the process.

Use Social Media Management Software

You can get a social media management software online that will connect with your accounts and post all your updates up to a month ahead. These apps, such as Hootsuite and Buffer manage all your accounts at the same time, so you don’t even have to log in to post. You can get the upgraded version of both tools for just a few dollars a month.

Recycle Your Old Content

If you cannot think about something new to tell your audience, look for inspiration in your old blog. You can link back to your previous blog posts or even videos every now and then. You might have a presentation on your website that some of your new customers might find useful. Share it in a social media post, instead of creating new content every day.

Get Sharing Apps

You can find several sharing apps online that work with your browser. Whenever you visit a blog or website you think is relevant to your online business, you can click on the sharing tool, and you have something in your account. Make sure you don’t link to the competition’s sites, and only share things that your audience might be interested in. Find out what your customers are talking about and address their most important problems in a post.

Employ a Social Media Management Company

If you simply have no patience to maintain your social media accounts and your brand’s presence online, you can get in touch with online marketing masters who can do the job for you. Make sure you communicate with the company regularly and ask for regular updates and performance reports, so you get the best value for your money.

When you are struggling with maintaining your brand’s image on social media, you can find several tools to help you out. Don’t assume that you need fresh content every time, and promote different posts from your blog that are still relevant to your target market.

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