5 Ways to Find the Right Instagram Influencers for Your Niche

Finding the most influencing Instagram users for your niche can be a challenging task, especially if you are new at this. The first thing that you have to take into account is the criteria which can be used to determine whether you have picked out the right influencers or not. Second, you have to analyze the kind of influencers your business needs.

Source: Marketing Charts

Criteria to consider

At first glance, you might choose Instagram users just because their profile seems interesting. However, you should always base your selection on some factors. How many followers does one have? What are the main topics approached? Other factors worth considering include the geographic location, languages spoke and the average engagement rate. The industry and traffic history complete the criteria list.

Type of influencers

Based on the criteria mentioned above, you will soon discover that influencers can be divided into several groups. First, you have the power middles, which have the strength of numbers but not the quality of the top percent. Second, there is the top 20%, which offers a balance between quantity and quality. Finally, there is the top 5%, which represents the best of the best – several top influencers can bring more positive results than a lot of power middles.

How to find the right Instagram influencers for your niche

If you are looking to locate the most suitable Instagram influencers for your business niche, there are several solutions you can try out.

The common solution: search engines

Enter on the most common search engine and, using niche-related keywords, look for influencers. Do not be afraid to use other popular search engines, aside from Google, as these can provide you with some pretty exciting results. You can also search for brands or browse targeted channels, using keywords as well.

What matters is that you identify the right influencers for your campaign. The next logical step would be to organize a list with all the potential profiles. Last, but not least, prepare yourself to dedicate some time to search for the additional contact information.

This method does not cost a single penny, but it will require a lot of time and energy on your part. Moreover, you will soon discover that it can be quite difficult to expand or legally use the results.

What about the freemium solution?

You can use specialized tools to find the best Instagram influencers, as well as the most shared content. These have some advantages to offer, in comparison to the common search engine usage. First of all, the search process is more complicated, and you are given access to additional features. These include the latest posts and even a history of past performances. Moreover, you are given contact information and the possibility of data exports.

The advantage of using a freemium solution lies, first and foremost, in the ability to obtain the needed information a lot faster. However, it is still difficult to quantify the results.

The professional way: a paid solution

The basic idea is a thing: pay for the hard work. A professional, paid solution to help you identify the right Instagram influencers – this is the way to go. You will be able to perform complicated searches, taking into account the criteria mentioned at the beginning of the article.

You will be given access to a well-organized database with influencers, as well as to essential complex search criteria, latest posts and previous performances. The contact information will be readily available, and you can easily quantify the results.

The next logical step will be to select the best Instagram influencers for your niche, contacting them from the software and preparing the launch of your campaign. You can then use the software to manage your campaign and find new influencers at the right moment.

Organic relationships

Remember the days when people used to talk to one another? If you are looking to find the most influential Instagram users, you might want to try building organic relationships.

Search for users that talk about your niche, brand or business. Connect with these users and pick their brain, finding out their opinion on the matters you are interested in. You can bring up the subject of your brand, discovering keywords top influencers are using and getting accustomed to the direct contact. In this way, you will end up locating not only the most influential Instagram users but also people who have an honest opinion about your brand or business.


Bloggers can still make or break a business. Many successful bloggers out there are also present on Instagram, and it makes sense that some of them are among the top influencers out there. Organize a list of well-known bloggers and contact them to discuss your business or brand. You can meet them face-to-face and discuss their Instagram presence. Given your experience and practical knowledge, it will be easier to decide whether they are the right influencers for you or not.

A final word

These are some of the best ways to find the right Instagram influencers for your niche. Be sure to give all of them a try and convince yourself of the most effective business marketing solutions for you. Learn about the difference between micro and macro influencers, as well as how to assess an influencer’s content and use it to your benefit. And, remember, there are a lot of ways to reach out to influencers, but direct contact is always the most effective.

About the Author: Nichelle Smith is one of the writers behind Multimedia Marketing Solutions, a site that provides valuable tips on digital marketing. She is passionate about helping businesses reach their full potential and cope with the demands of this fast-changing online world.

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