Categories: Blogs

Seven Tips on How To Start A Blog

Creating a blog is not that hard. It can be done in just a few minutes. The hardest part for a blog, in the beginning, is keeping the readers and then monetizing. Today you will learn how you can do both.

The best part of being a professional blogger is the ability to generate passive income, meaning you spend a few hours writing your content, but then you have the possibility of making money while you do something else.

But creating content is not the only way to make money from your blog. There are many more steps to do for growing your business and attract more and more readers, transforming a passion into a full-time job.

If you follow the tips we are going to share next, you will be able to generate income on a recurring basis, working from home and with just a little effort.

Tip #1: You Already Have the Content

If you have already chosen the subject you are going to talk about, feel free to skip this step. If you are still in doubt, here are some tips that can help.

To be a blogger, you do not need to have a college degree on the subject, you just have to have some experience in the field you are going to talk about. A blog about cooking does not need to be written by a chef, for example. Anyone who has kitchen skills can post their recipes. Of course, the first rule is: offer your readers only high-quality contents.

Tip #2: Videos Are Important

Articles, tips, images are all cool but you also have to use video as a resource on your blog. Adding videos hosted on YouTube or Vimeo can complement your content and make it even better.

To do this, choose the video you want to share and also a blogging platform that allows you to place videos in your posts. I recommend creating a free blog with SITE123.

Tip #3: Talk About What People Want to Read

Before starting a blog, it is important to know if people are interested in the subject you want to write about. Do a research on social networks, see reviews on other blogs and use tools like Google Trends to find out what readers are currently looking for.

Tip #4: Talk About Your Product

If your goal is to generate income from your blog, it is important that your posts are used to educate your audience about what you talk about.

Use the space to promote your product or knowledge without being pushy. Talk about the benefits and why your subject is valuable to customers and viewers. If you do it genuinely, people will be interested in learning more. If your content is engaging, your readers will probably share them and talk about them to friends and colleagues.

Tip #5: Offer Space for Sponsored Articles

Sponsored articles are posts commissioned by a company. This is similar to affiliate marketing, with the difference that you only get the sponsorship (money) when you post an article about the company/product.

Although it is a type of advertising, it is important that your sponsored posts follow the same editorial line as the rest of the articles of your blog, so that your audience perceives that content as something genuine.

Be careful when recommending products, and choose only those you know and trust. This way you make sure you will not lose credibility with your readers.

Tip #6: Work With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing works the following way: the affiliate advertises the product of an entrepreneur/company in exchange for a commission for each sale made. But for this model to work, you need to select products that are related to the subject addressed in your blog and that are aligned with the interests of your readers.

Tip #7: Choose a Good Affiliate Program

There are several companies that offer Affiliate Programs, whether of physical or digital products. You should research hard before choosing yours, to ensure that your work will be well rewarded. Commission fees range from 4 to 8% of total sales, but at some platforms specializing in digital products, the commission can reach up to 80%.

Go Do It!

The seven tips above are the best ways to create a blog that everyone wants to read and that makes you money at the same time. Now it’s time to get your stuff together, hit a blog builder such as SITE123 and create your blog today!

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