5 Content Marketing Strategies You Can Implement Today

Staying on top of the best and newest technologies is impossible – and counterproductive. Trying to be on top of the latest and most recent developments in technology and search engine response (SERP) requires a severe commitment and undying obsession. However, it’s a sacrifice that marketers and businesses must undertake to remain relevant, and more importantly, engage with customers and sell to them.

Here are several content marketing strategies you can use today.

Embrace Video

It’s no surprise that video has surpassed infographics and text. People would rather watch a video than read text – which is exactly why Amazon has included video reviews. It’s the reason why Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter allow embedded video on their sites. Video content marketing is here to stay, have you made the most of this medium as you can? The Guardian said “online video is the future of content marketing” (in 2014!)

Distribution Plan

Putting together a distribution plan for your social media content, as well as engaging with them concerning relevant targets, it won’t matter which social media platform you choose, as long as you engage with them in that platform’s native language.

Angel investor and legendary entrepreneur, Gary Vaynerchuk, says: “The incredible brand awareness and bottom-line profits achievable through social media marketing require hustle, heart, sincerity, constant engagement, long-term commitment, and most of all, artful and strategic storytelling.” (‘Jab, Jab, Jab Right Hook: How To Tell Your Story In A Noisy Social World’.)


It cannot be argued that content marketing has dominated 2018 – and is undeniable that it will rule over the majority of 2019. However, this may mean being ultra-specific about your niche and industry as well as making sure that your content marketing missions and vision reflect that voice of your brand. KISSmetrics, QuickSprout, and NeilPatel are all owned by Neil Patel, a famous content marketing savant. Although each site concerns content marketing, each one is specialized in different areas within.

Find The Right Audience

No matter what industry you’re in, your content will be received better and generate more leads if it is created and specifically targeted for a particular audience. This means figuring out who your ideal client/customer is, and crafting content specifically for them, and them only. Recognize their pain points and problems – and gear solutions and content for them, not random visitors who won’t find marketing suites (like those provided by FMG Suite or other marketing agencies).

Incorporate Visuals

This doesn’t mean sticking one image at the top of each page and using text for the rest of the page. This is considered to be pure laziness, in today’s age. Clearly, you must set your brand as the authority in your industry, which involves including countless images in each blog post – even if you already have video. This brings to life the old adage: “A picture tells a thousand words.” True, yes, but it’s been beaten to death – which can be brought back to life with video and any stimulating visuals.

As Neil Patel, a legendary marketer put it: “Throwing a stock image at the top of a blog doesn’t cut it. You should add relevant images throughout the article.”


Many content creators and publishers simply write a new blog post, publish it on their website, and leave it at that. This approach no longer works since social media marketing has become a staple in our 21st century. To maximize ROI from your marketing, it’s wise to distribute the content to all friends, fans, and followers on all your social media channels.

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