How Should You Scale Your Social Media Marketing Business?

With over 3.4 billion people using the Internet, it’s not surprising that advertisement agencies took notice of the potential social media can bring. Expanding your reach on social media is always a great choice, but like anything, there is a right and wrong way to do it. Keep reading to understand the best ways to scale your marketing business on social media and beyond.

Use Contracts

New business is really exciting, but you could run into some issues if your partner, influencer, or agency doesn’t offer you a contract to sign. A big red flag in business is when companies don’t use a contract because it may mean they’re two steps away from running off with your marketing materials. To expand and protect your business, always use a contract for social media marketing for all matters that involve an exchange of services, or you could be out a lot of money.

Work With Recruiters

A recruiter’s job is to find the right people for a position, no matter how niche your prospects. Instead of wasting valuable time sorting through resumes, you can hire an agency to handle the hiring process for you. Depending on how hand-off you want to be, recruiters can interview potential employees and relay their answers back to you. With a recruitment agency, you can effectively find the person that gives the most significant amount of value to your team.

Hire Topic Experts

While running your business, you probably became familiar with various aspects of marketing related to your niche. However, not everyone can know everything. To fill in the knowledge gaps in your company, hire topic experts that know how to advertise to specific groups of people. Topic experts are able to bring a new perspective to the team and attract more clients that will help you scale your social media marketing business further.

Create a Simple Client Onboarding System

Simplicity is one of the best things you can do to scale your business. If you overcomplicate any part of the process, you run the risk of alienating your clients. Most companies can use a spreadsheet to make this process quick, but other companies may use project management software like Asana to onboard clients. What program you use isn’t as important as how fast and straightforward the process is, so gravitate towards something that isn’t difficult to use. 

Take Advantage of Analytics

The best thing about social media apps is their built-in analytics add-on that’s available on every post you create. Watch your analytics to understand how your current project is doing, but don’t forget to compare it with past campaigns. If you’re able to process this data, you can stay one step ahead of your competition by pivoting to something else if the current campaign is a bust. With this information, you can further scale by doubling down on successful projects. 

Create Partnerships

Start creating beneficial relationships with other business professionals, especially if they’re an industry expert in your niche. There are plenty of creative people who have stood in your shoes and understand the process of targeting clients, giving the right pitch, and closing the deal. Plus, a business partner can help you find and maintain clients. You’ll have an easier time meeting the needs of your other employees while keeping positive reform with your customers.

Start Outsourcing

Hiring in-house isn’t the only way you can produce more work or scale your business. Try outsourcing a portion of your work to other professionals that work on a freelance basis. Not only are contract employees cheaper, but they often come with an expert skill set. You can outsource everything from graphic design to writing, editing to videography. Even outsourcing customer service and bookkeeping could add value to your business. 

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