Your business is your brand. And it lives or dies by your brand’s reputation among the consumers who use it. Whether you operate in the B2B or the B2C space, your brand’s reputation is everything. As Amazon founder Jeff Bezos would say, it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room. And that means that your values and ideals need to be attuned to those of your target market, as well as acknowledging the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility in every aspect of your business operations.

Image by Annca via Pixabay

Today’s consumers, especially younger consumers are motivated by more than just a good deal. They want to do business with companies that care. And if you can’t demonstrate your commitment to ethics and sustainability and wear it like a badge of honor, these digital natives will easily Google their way to someone who does. In fact, they’ll pay more for the privilege too. Studies show that almost 75% of millennial consumers will pay more to use ethical companies. 

The good news is that there are lots of fun and exciting ways to give your brand an eco-friendly overhaul like…

Give Out Eco-Friendly Goodies at Events, Exhibits and Trade Shows

We all love free stuff. And promotional branded goods can get prospective customers on-side by giving them something for nothing which we all crave. 

But nobody likes receiving cheap, disposable promotional materials, especially if the only place they can go is landfill waste. The good news is that there are lots of cool eco promotional items out there which give you all the benefits of giving away promotional freebies while clearly demonstrating your commitment to eco-conscious operations. 

Greenwash Your Premises With a Living Wall

Another cool way to give your business a greener image is to literally give your business a green image. A living wall makes for an eye catching installation in your foyer or meeting room while promoting an image of environmental awareness and ecological conscious.

Best of all, these impressive features use extremely low maintenance mosses and other plants meaning that they look great and last a very long time while requiring very little time and effort spent on maintaining them.

Use Eco-Friendly Packaging

If your business used non-recyclable plastics in its packaging, stop. Stop right now! Consumers are growing tired of plastics which can only go into our oceans and inevitably harm our oceans and the plant and marine life that depends on them for centuries. 

Instead, invest in new packaging made from more sustainable and / or biodegradable materials. Work with designers to create a new aesthetic which flaunts your ecological conscience while still staying true to your brand. 

Have a Sustainable Supply Chain

Finally, placing your focus on sustainability opens up lots of exciting opportunities to collaborate with vendors and other links in your supply chain t find more eco-conscious solutions that are mutually beneficial. It shows that you are discerning when it comes to which brands you ally yourself with and thus increases your value proposition to your clientele.