Statistics show that about 1 in 5 businesses fail within their first year of operation. One of the factors that cause a business’s demise is the quality of its employees. For your marketing firm to succeed, you need a team with the right skills to ensure your business’s goals can be achieved. Therefore, attracting the wrong candidates, or none, can be detrimental to the running of your business. Additionally, your company would spend a lot of money, time, and resources on hiring. The last thing you want is for all that effort to go to waste. Unfortunately, this is often the case for several businesses due to their mistakes when attracting new staff. If your business is struggling to attract new employees, you may be making these mistakes. 

  1. Not considering hiring from within 

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Sometimes, the talents you’re looking for are right under your nose! Several employees may have the required skillset within the business. Therefore, instead of spending money and other resources on external hiring, look out for employees within the firm. Additionally, existing staff are familiar with the business’s values, mission, and operations, so you don’t have to wait for them to adjust when offered the new role. Hiring from within the business boosts staff morale and productivity and reduces employee turnover. Most importantly, hiring from within attracts new employees to your business. This is because talented job seekers are attracted to companies that give employees training opportunities, promotions, and employee development opportunities. 

  1. Not marketing your business adequately

Like with customers, you must market your business to attract employees. The truth is talented job seekers have lots of options. Therefore, it is important to market your business to your potential employees. The first place to start with this you should consider brushing up on your website. Your website is the first place talented job seekers would visit to learn more about your business. Therefore, when brushing it up, include components that sell your business and attract them to it. For instance, let your website feature pictures of employee activities, office spaces, and the company’s achievements. Another factor to consider when marketing to new employees is job boards. Job boards can help you attract talented employees by giving them an overview of the business and the job description of the advertised role. However, the job boards you use affect the results. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct sufficient research to find the right platform for you. During your research, evaluate the unique nature of the boards. For example, you can check out these Lifion jobs by Lensa to see how the platform can help market your business to talented job seekers.

  1. Focusing on just money

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Several business owners are increasing salaries to attract new talent. This might cause your candidates to stay away. Today’s talented job-seekers are looking for more intangible benefits, such as work-life balance, flexibility, and working atmosphere. That is important to ensure you emphasize these benefits to attract the right talent.