Real estate agent and young couple in helmets standing in an empty room with white wall

Real estate investments involve putting your reputation and personal wealth on the line while expecting profits. While real estate investments can be lucrative, lack of experience and errors can result in missed opportunities or losses. 

If you’re new to the real estate investing world, you need a real estate mentor to guide and help you avoid the drawbacks of the industry while motivating you to achieve a massive investment portfolio and long-term wealth. This article covers how a real estate mentor can help your business

What Is a Real Estate Mentor

You may be wondering, “What is a real estate mentor?” A real estate investing mentor is an experienced investor who provides knowledge and coaching to new investors. 

There are different forms of mentorship, but in most cases, mentoring programs offer one-on-one coaching, support, or knowledge, to help a mentee improve their business, learn a successful technique, or earn more money with real estate investment

Why Do You Need a Real Estate Mentor? 

Every new real estate investor needs a mentor for several reasons. The benefits of having an experienced person can inspire you to overcome the challenges that newbies experience in the industry. Here are some of the primary reasons to get a real estate mentor:

  • Create working marketing strategies for your brand
  • Access insights about the industry 
  • Connect with local partners and other agents 
  • Understand everything about home buying
  • Discover new methods of capturing and generating leads
  • Learn from their experiences 

Your real estate mentor is a valuable source of information, confidence, and inspiration. They can help you rise above your competitors and achieve your real estate dreams in no time.

Types of Mentorship 

It’s important to know the various types of mentorship before beginning your search. Consider your preferred learning style, availability, and educational needs as you choose the ideal mentor. Here are the basic types of mentorship:


Tagging along as another real estate investor does his thing is an excellent way to enter the industry. It could imply interning at a real estate company part-time or shadowing an investor while learning. An internship or apprenticeship gives you the chance to learn about the industry without fully being in it. 

Mastermind Groups 

You can join and learn from real estate investment groups in your area. The groups can help you find your peers, leading to huge connections, and you can ask questions. If there’s none in your community, you can search on social media for a virtual group.

Personalized Coaching

Personalized coaching involves one-on-one mentorship. It’s an excellent way to enter the real estate world. You can get personalized advice from an experienced investor as you complete each deal. It also ensures you remain consistent while learning about real estate investments. 

How to Find the Best Real Estate Mentor 

  • Self Reflect

It’s important to self-reflect before looking for a mentor that you’re willing to trust. You must identify what you want before knowing who to ask for help. Hence, this is the right time to identify your aspirations. 

What do you hope to accomplish while investing in real estate? Are you looking to build a passive income through rental properties? Do you want to focus on wholesaling? Perhaps you want to focus on flipping homes

After determining your reason for investing in real estate, you can then look for a real estate investing mentor. That way, you can identify a person who’s experienced at what you want to learn. 

  • Access Your Mentor’s Level of Success

Success is relative — it implies different things to different investors. Nonetheless, you should be comfortable with your mentor’s success level. Have they accomplished the things you hope to achieve? How successful have their previous endeavors been?

Ensure that their success meets your standard. If you’re not convinced enough of your prospective mentor’s ability to help get you where you hope to be, look elsewhere. 

  • Determine Your Risk Tolerance 

Almost all investments come with a level of risk — and real estate investment isn’t an exception. The best way to succeed is to reduce risks while maximizing profit. 

For instance, several long-term investors focus on properties that provide relatively predictable and consistently strong cash flow over an extended period. Although there’s the risk of getting a flat rent growth in the short-term or a tenant vacating unexpectedly, the long-term holding helps to reduce these risks. 

Make sure your mentor has the same risk tolerance as you do. If you love to build a rental property portfolio that produces huge income while your mentor prefers to fix and flip homes, you might not get along with each other since your investment philosophies are different. 

  • Establish Respect 

If you doubt the capabilities of your mentor, you’ll start to second guess everything they say and do. That being said, respect is reciprocal.

Also, when a mentor starts to think they’re wasting their time, you won’t get their best guidance or full attention. So, ensure that you and your prospective mentor have mutual respect before you start working together. 

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  • Look for a Mentor in the Industry

Although finding a mentor outside of the real estate industry can be resourceful, ensure also to get a real estate mentor. Connecting with leaders in other industries enables you to share ideas in a networking form or mastermind. 

Since you’re not competitors, you’ll view the business world from different lenses. However, pairing with a person who understands the daily challenges in the real estate industry will enable you to learn the ropes faster. 

Identify Your Mutual Goals

Identifying your real estate mentor’s goals and ensuring they align with yours is essential. Does the person have the same aspirations and motivations as you? Besides mentoring you, you want someone who could be your potential business partner in the future. 

You can learn and achieve many things you hope for if your goals align together. Once you become self-sufficient, your mentor will also boast an invaluable asset in you. 

  • Be a Good Mentee

Ask yourself, “What is a real estate mentor going to benefit from me?” Once you find a great mentor, ensure to attend every meeting and take notes as you learn from him. Make sure you complete every assignment given to you. 

Nothing can be more challenging for a mentor than having an unserious mentee who acts uninterested during sessions or doesn’t perform every action required of him.

Final Thoughts 

You need more than hard work to become a successful real estate investor. Getting knowledge and insight from a mentor who knows the ins and outs of the industry will help you achieve your goals faster and grow your business. We advise using the tips explained above when choosing a real investor to help build your business.